This was an interesting expansion. I like the mechanic, the unique follower removal is nice, and whilst it is difficult to anticipate the arrival of the tile, it's a lovely surprise when it comes. If a clever, unscrupulous player has ruthlessly trapped one of your followers and you're fortunate enough to pull one of these out of the bag, back he comes! Rejoice! Or, claim back a follower previously surrendered to the capping of tower. Save that farmer you deployed early only to find that it didn't grow into the enormous farm you thought it would be. Remove the wagon from the dead end it's ended up on in favour of a better placement elsewhere. Use your barn to force other farmers from the huge farm, remove it, deploy your own farmer and score again! The possibilities are endless.
Unfortunately, the tiles are a bit rubbish. They completely break up the landscape with a feature that cannot be explained. I put off buying this expansion for a long time because of this. At least Darmstadt was a building, if an anachronistic one, whereas this is a big, firework number. I understand that it was for the the anniversary, but surely that means they could have invested some thought into how it was implemented? Surely it deserved better than this? Perhaps the people of Carcassonne could have erected monuments in the land around their cities to celebrate their 10th year? Monuments with ten spires, or bells, and candles, or anything. Anyone arty fancy having a go?
Anyway, I like the mechanic and occasional play with this, but only if I'm feeling whimsical.