Author Topic: Carcassonnebox basically wooden  (Read 4269 times)

Offline Dkmvs

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Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« on: April 15, 2021, 10:50:18 AM »
Hi everyone,

So I’m looking for a good box to store my Carc. Collection, as my big box 6 just doesn’t cut it anymore. I already altered the inlay, but I want something better. I’ve been looking at the big box from basically wooden:

Which can, according to them, hold around 600-700 tiles, depending on how much dividers you use.

Now I have around 500 tiles, and the new edition is coming too. So does anyone have any experience with this box? And how many tiles have you stored in it with dividers? Or does someone have any better options?

Ps. All tiles are sleeved, if it matters in fitting.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2021, 01:55:45 PM »

Finding a box that fits our needs for Carcassonne is an important step  :yellow-meeple:

I do not have any experience with the basically wooden box.

But here's an example of how to make a large collection fit in a big box (I have more than 600 tiles, and still some room left in the box) :

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2021, 02:19:41 PM »
With a bit of clever organising, a lot will fit into a big box.
I've got 2 broken token organisers in mine, which holds base game + all expansions for the old art.
I do have another setup just like it in BB6 for the new art though.

Basically Wooden have great boxes though, and I think it was Jungleboy who had 2 of those, 1 with his C1 collection, and 1 with spinoffs?
I have seen that BW also have a Jumbo box which they say holds around 1200-1400 tiles. So that should keep you going for a while!
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Offline PurpleMeeple

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2021, 02:30:41 PM »
Okay so I still intent to take some proper (hopefully worthy, my photography skills low tbh) pictures to show my collection and this box off as it deserves at some point but you know how it is when you are aways waiting for that one next bit that will make it even more complete, ..that already is in the post or whatever..

But anyway, for now, some quick pics to maybe help answer your questions..

So in this box there happens to be a effectively a complete set of C2 tiles (-7 x Spiel Promo tiles but +6 tiles for Winter Crop Circles (Temporarily located here) and + 1 extra Labyrinth tile so the net total is same as complete set), including all non playable tiles (King, robber, gold points, messages, rules tiles, 50/100) but not PnP or CutCassonne.  All sleeved and for the most part all behind in front of appropriate dividers, some exceptions: I do not have the dividers for Japanese buildings or Spiel Doch tiles yet as I did not have those sets when I ordered the dividers (and thought I never might at the time) and Peasants Revolt is behind in front of a generic Carc 'C' as BW did not have a divider for this exp. yet.

As you can see I have the double size tiles in there lengthways taking up a lot of room, they could be relegated to the ScoreBoard and Rules section of the upper tray (not pictured here) when 20th Anniversary needs space to go in :)

There is more room available, I have left wiggle room where I could in almost all sections for ease of access but the tile trays come out individually so even if the tiles were packed in snug it would be easy to just remove a tray and tip out tiles. Using the dividers does leave some 'wasted space' just because of the locations of the grooves they slot in.  Forgoing the matching dividers and printing some on paper / card like corinthiens13's ones would allow for significantly more tiles, but the matching dividers are very nice to have.

In very brief summery, I love it and can highly recommend this box for anybody considering it (As mentioned, they do also have larger, and smaller, versions available) and Basically Wooden were very helpful and accommodating when I contacted them to ask to add some extras to my wife's Ebay order for the box itself.  :(y)

Anyway the pics:
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 04:36:32 PM by PurpleMeeple »

It's all fun and games.. until you add The Tower expansion! ;-)

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2021, 12:14:34 AM »
Looks awesome... and so tidy!  ;D
Questions about rules? Check WICA:

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2021, 01:56:52 AM »
Great photos PurpleMeeple!

Basically Wooden do also have a JUMBO BOX. Which basically doubles that capacity.
I have to say, it's a little too large to be useful in my opinion, and that can make it difficult to get things to the table.

This box and the smaller box were both developed using input that I (and many others on this forum) offered them.
At the time, this was a top end solution, unless you wanted to cut your own foam core. Which takes ages btw.

Perhaps our suggestions are a little dated, and it's time to request a 5 row box for the current edition  ;D

I actually think that having 2 smaller boxes is more  flexible too, getting a big box out every time you want to play with a mini expansion is pretty hard.
2 (or 3) smaller boxes gives you the flexibility (and chances are you have more than one copy of the base game especially with 20th Anniversary edition coming).
This is what I do with Dominion.  I've got 3 boxes, rather than 1 x 35kg box  ;D

Anyway, Andrew and Sue at Basically Wooden are wonderful, so you can always contact them with suggestions, if you don't feel like this would be quite right for you.

Their tile towers are pretty fun too [Unless you're Dan].

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2021, 02:30:03 AM »
Hi PurpleMeeple, the set and storage are looking good!

I knocked up a cheap option using a generic box from TheWorks to house a TowerRex organiser and a lower layer of foamboard. It holds a lot, and will do for a while but your solution is definitely where I'd like to get to.

I am sure I can try to use circular arguments to justify the purchase: I need a bigger box to house all my stuff; I need to collect more stuff to fill the space in the bigger box...

Do you have some kind of protective sheath on your circular counters (bottom right in the photos)?

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2021, 02:36:40 AM »

Offline PurpleMeeple

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2021, 10:29:02 AM »
Thank you all :)

Yes the the use of coin caps, as per the link above (cheers Decar!), I recently discovered via BoardGameGeek and am very pleased with them.

I do agree with Decar’s comments on the Jumbo box, depending on one’s use case, it might be a bit cumbersome.

Like I say I think I’ll manage to get 20th Anniversary in the box I have okay but alternatively, or if/when subsequent expansions push it over the limit, I could get one of the Basically Wooden travel boxes to go with it to keep the second base set in - ready to go with sets of 10 meeples and map tokens stored in there and enough space for adding a random expansion or two as required/desired.. perfect for quickly grabbing (with or with out map folder) for games in places I might not want to take the bigger box.  (Is it obvious that I have thought about that a lot and have just been waiting for an excuse to talk myself into hitting the buy button... :D )

Also thinking about the BW standard box as well to store H&G and Winter Edition...

And I like your circular thinking unclewill! ;)

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2021, 10:50:03 AM »
I had a similar issue with Bluray.
Why get a bluray player if I've got an SD TV?
Turns out you buy both together  ;D

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Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2021, 11:55:13 AM »
Okay so I still intent to take some proper (hopefully worthy, my photography skills low tbh) pictures to show my collection and this box off as it deserves at some point but you know how it is when you are aways waiting for that one next bit that will make it even more complete, ..that already is in the post or whatever..

But anyway, for now, some quick pics to maybe help answer your questions..

So in this box there happens to be a effectively a complete set of C2 tiles (-7 x Spiel Promo tiles but +6 tiles for Winter Crop Circles (Temporarily located here) and + 1 extra Labyrinth tile so the net total is same as complete set), including all non playable tiles (King, robber, gold points, messages, rules tiles, 50/100) but not PnP or CutCassonne.  All sleeved and for the most part all behind in front of appropriate dividers, some exceptions: I do not have the dividers for Japanese buildings or Spiel Doch tiles yet as I did not have those sets when I ordered the dividers (and thought I never might at the time) and Peasants Revolt is behind in front of a generic Carc 'C' as BW did not have a divider for this exp. yet.

As you can see I have the double size tiles in there lengthways taking up a lot of room, they could be relegated to the ScoreBoard and Rules section of the upper tray (not pictured here) when 20th Anniversary needs space to go in :)

There is more room available, I have left wiggle room where I could in almost all sections for ease of access but the tile trays come out individually so even if the tiles were packed in snug it would be easy to just remove a tray and tip out tiles. Using the dividers does leave some 'wasted space' just because of the locations of the grooves they slot in.  Forgoing the matching dividers and printing some on paper / card like corinthiens13's ones would allow for significantly more tiles, but the matching dividers are very nice to have.

In very brief summery, I love it and can highly recommend this box for anybody considering it (As mentioned, they do also have larger, and smaller, versions available) and Basically Wooden were very helpful and accommodating when I contacted them to ask to add some extras to my wife's Ebay order for the box itself.  :(y)

Anyway the pics:
Very lovely storage!! :D I have the travel box version for my wooden laser cut carcassonne. Thank you too for the coin capsules idea! I will buy them hahaha

I was evaluating last year to buy several boxes on basically wooden to renew my storage of C1 in three boxes (dark green stuff, light green stuff, green-yellow stuff/watermark tiles). In the end I opted for another option in my personal opinion more comfortable, light, easy to transport and insulating from temperatures, humidity etc ...
This weekend I will post the details ... I hope it will be useful.

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« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 11:56:48 AM by DrMeeple »
I mix expansions at my own risk.

Offline Dkmvs

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2021, 12:49:02 PM »
Hey all, thanks for your reactions! I already contacted the seller yesterday for information, but when I was looking through my shed today, I came across a wooden plate.. at first I was actually reluctant because of the weight, but this evening, I started trying to make something out of it. Sadly I had to stop because it was already getting dark outside, but here’s the result of 2,5 hours of work;

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2021, 08:00:06 PM »

Offline Meepledrone

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2021, 06:13:06 AM »
Awesome pictures, guys!

Offline Dkmvs

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Re: Carcassonnebox basically wooden
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2021, 11:16:48 AM »
Great photos PurpleMeeple!

Basically Wooden do also have a JUMBO BOX. Which basically doubles that capacity.
I have to say, it's a little too large to be useful in my opinion, and that can make it difficult to get things to the table.

This box and the smaller box were both developed using input that I (and many others on this forum) offered them.
At the time, this was a top end solution, unless you wanted to cut your own foam core. Which takes ages btw.

Perhaps our suggestions are a little dated, and it's time to request a 5 row box for the current edition  ;D

I actually think that having 2 smaller boxes is more  flexible too, getting a big box out every time you want to play with a mini expansion is pretty hard.
2 (or 3) smaller boxes gives you the flexibility (and chances are you have more than one copy of the base game especially with 20th Anniversary edition coming).
This is what I do with Dominion.  I've got 3 boxes, rather than 1 x 35kg box  ;D

Anyway, Andrew and Sue at Basically Wooden are wonderful, so you can always contact them with suggestions, if you don't feel like this would be quite right for you.

Their tile towers are pretty fun too [Unless you're Dan].

I must say, you have some interesting pics of the boxes on your site!

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