Hello fellow fans of Carcassonne,
I've been a Carcassonne Central user mostly for the CAR so far. Only recently I started to browse the forums. That's when I discovered there are 2 versions of The Windroses. I do have the 2013 edition (The Windroses 2), but not the 2012 edition with N, E, S and W on it. As a fan of Carcassonne since it came out and a completist of almost all Carcassonne, I'm in the market for buying a copy of the Windroses (2012). I'm also interested in getting the Carcassonne: The Festival sheet previously sold on cundco.
Unfortunately I missed the boat on the Carcassonne: Nikolaus-Zählleiste, but I doubt if I get a chance to get that one
If anyone can help me with one or more of these please let me know.
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=3397.0