(Udo Schmitz) will present us the new Carcassonne StarWars.
3.) All cards have consistent art work.
This spin-off game is nice for StarWars fans - they collecting all things about StarWars.That means new costumer for the game Carcassonne.
Quote from: kettlefish on June 08, 2015, 11:27:46 PM(Udo Schmitz) will present us the new Carcassonne StarWars.Should I be pleased or upset that HiG is producing stuff I have no interest in buying? But their business model looks so wrong to me.
Settlers of Catanthe tiles and figures in the first print were different.The game had wooden figures and the tiles were smaller.since the 2nd printing the tiles become bigger than the 1st print and the figures are made in plastics.the graphics of the tiles and the cards changed during the years.----------------------------Spin-Off - example:StarTrek-Catan
Started by ARabidMeerkat
Started by asparagus
Started by Maj. Frost
Started by aenima
Started by Scott