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Messages - kothmann

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 28
Official Rules / Re: road leading "through" city: Inns and Cathedrals
« on: January 03, 2025, 12:15:48 PM »
Welcome to the Forum, @grueni

When I saw the subject line, I thought this was going to be a question about the original artwork in I&C where a road runs between two city segments--the top right tile in this image:

We have always (and still) play that this is a single road, but evidently the intention was that it be treated as two roads, each of which ends at one of the cities?  The updated original artwork has some bushes there to clarify, but we always thought the original was much more elegant.

Anyway, welcome again to the Forum -- how about posting a photo of one of your recent games...

Thanks @Meepledrone -- even though I don't participate, I do really appreciate the tradition.

Happy 2025 everyone.

Reviews & Session Reports / Re: MEGA Carcassonne how we play it
« on: November 17, 2024, 03:33:20 PM »
Wow.  Epic.  Thanks for sharing.  Merit!

The Marketplace / Re: WTS Carcassonne Mini-expansions (C1)
« on: November 11, 2024, 05:49:15 AM »
Are the Wind Roses I still available?

If so, please PM with shipping cost to USA zip code 19096.


The Marketplace / Re: WTB C1 Expansion 9 Hills & Sheep
« on: October 21, 2024, 03:27:36 PM »
Just checked eBay.  Found two C1 editions.  US$140 and US$180.

If you just want to play with those tiles, it might be cheaper to buy the big box they were in, I think BB5, which goes as low as $75.

General / Re: 6 Ghost expansions
« on: September 18, 2024, 08:13:03 PM »
Hi @CarcassonneLover1987 welcome to the forum!

Other Games / Re: CARAL
« on: September 12, 2024, 06:46:05 AM »
There are some good reviews on BGG.  Would be curious to hear your thoughts after playing.  I am going to put it on my “of interest” list…

Thanks for sharing.

Reviews & Session Reports / Re: I Love the Landscape!
« on: September 12, 2024, 06:40:10 AM »
Wow looks like a great game!  Thanks for sharing! 

Reviews & Session Reports / Re: I Love the Landscape!
« on: August 12, 2024, 12:20:56 PM »
Nice!  Brutal farmer.

Tiles look great in the sleeves.  But also the color matches.  My Das Fest tiles are dark like the German Castles.  Maybe because they weren’t part of the special edition?

Official Rules / Re: C1 wagon travel
« on: August 10, 2024, 11:11:02 AM »
Personally, I prefer the C1 rules as they make more sense to me.
And since there won't be any more expansions for me, all edge cases have now been resolved  ^-^
I agree that the C1 rules make more sense, but are they tactically interesting?  I always felt like the wagon was mostly just a regular meeple.  But with C2 you get a lot more tactics, especially if you use the Abbot.

General / Re: Abbot scoring
« on: August 05, 2024, 11:15:26 AM »
Hi @Woodbeetle and welcome to the forum.

You might also be interested in a post I made about the tactical interaction between Abbots and Wagons.


Reviews & Session Reports / Re: I Love the Landscape!
« on: August 02, 2024, 04:12:46 PM »
Lovely!  Great tile mix!  And yeah I’m also C1 only. 

Merit from me!

The Marketplace / Re: WTS: Limited edition (2003)
« on: July 22, 2024, 03:51:28 AM »
Base+IC+TB+RiverI with No Watermarks!  My favorite.

But 140 Euro is high.  There’s one on eBay now for $90.

General / Re: I was missing, but now back again!
« on: July 20, 2024, 08:17:21 PM »
Wishing you continued success in your recovery. 

Eager to see what’s coming on the Carcassonne front.  We have definitely missed you here.

Reviews & Session Reports / Re: NGC 54: Some of my games sessions
« on: July 08, 2024, 01:02:33 PM »
Both barns are on the same field.  ???
Oops!  I somehow convinced myself that green needed a FFFX tile to connect!

So only pink is sad.

It is a wagon placed as a claustral prior.
Hahahaha!  I suppose my understanding is stuck in 2015:


As a digression, this expansion, as well as Carcassonne 2.0, have now utterly confused the landscape of Carcassonne with conflicting religious terminology. Cloisters have Monks, Abbeys also have Monks, Monasteries have Abbots, but Abbots are also what are placed on Gardens and Cloisters in Carcassonne 2.0. And just to add more confusion, Z-Man Games now calls Cloisters Monasteries (which actually matches the German usage of the term). So...yeah. In English, there are a lot of different terms that can be used for these things—Monasteries, Cloisters, Abbeys, Convents—but there are also a lot of terms that can be used for who occupies them: Monks, Nuns, Abbots, Priests, Clerics, Priors, or even Bishops and Cardinals. Forethought was something Hans im Glück sometimes fails at, but here they really just have confused the heck out of everything!

…the special monasteries are German monasteries (from Monasteries in Germany).
Aha!  I only play C1 so I didn’t recognize these.

Thanks for the clarifications and thanks again for sharing great game photos!

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