Author Topic: I was missing, but now back again!  (Read 3248 times)

Offline wallaceprime

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I was missing, but now back again!
« on: July 20, 2024, 03:55:36 AM »
Hi everyone. I've been absent from here for the past few months since as of October I've had a new project to occupy me: overcoming thyroid cancer!

I was due to have surgery on 2nd February, but my pre-op ECG showed anomalies. The subsequent echocardiogram showed a reduced heart function, and then a heart CT scan showed I had blocked arteries. Consequently, my operation was put on hold while they considered a simultaneous triple heart bypass and thyroidectomy - now THAT was scary!
However, a professor overseeing an angiogram to assess the blockages said the CT scan was misleading, my arteries were fine and the surgery could go ahead - hurrah! Before that moment I could never have imagined saying (with heartfelt sincerity) "Thank goodness - it's only thyroid cancer!"  :P

I had a total thyroidectomy and partial neck dissection on February 22nd. That went well: when I woke up I could breathe through my mouth and speak (my laryngeal nerves weren't drastically affected, which was a possibility because, due to a quirk of evolution, those nerves loop down from the brain, under the heart's aorta, then back up to the larynx), and my chest was intact (there was a 50% chance they would have to crack the chest open because the thyroid tumour was 11cm and growing down towards the chest cavity - and we all know how little we trust a 50% chance in Carcassonne  ;D )

I am recovering well from the surgery, but needed physiotherapy for shoulder mobility problems due to the surgery; I now have nearly a full range of movement back.
The inevitable painkillers made a couple of my WTCOC matches interesting to say the least - I've never felt so relaxed before a game!

I had radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment in April (RAI acts like a magic bullet to kill thyroid cells since they are the only cells in the body that take up iodine). The main downside of the treatment was being on a low-iodine diet for 2 weeks before the treatment (no seafood, dairy, eggs, cake, take-aways or restaurant food  :( ) and having to be isolated in a lead-lined room for three days in hospital while I was intensely radioactive, and then keeping 2 m away from people for 2 weeks. I must be one of the nerdiest patients they have had because I am the only patient they have ever had who took their own Geiger counter in with them  8)

I currently have surprisingly high thyroglobulin levels (without a thyroid I shouldn't be making any), so I have had CT and PET scans and will likely have another round of RAI. I was very lucky that my previous RAI coincided with the start of a 15-player round-robin expansions tournament, so I had plenty to keep me busy  :yellow-meeple:

Anyway, I have been busy with my Carcassonne creations and am about to make a few postings this weekend to the Workshop forum, but I wanted to keep my medical update separate from those. To those I've already told this to, thanks for listening/reading; I've found it really helpful and cathartic sharing my experiences ❤

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Re: I was missing, but now back again!
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2024, 01:30:46 PM »
I'm sorry to hear about this wallaceprime, but happy to hear from you and in remarkably high spirits.

As you described the risks of nerve damage you reminded me that my Dad had a throat operation several years ago (nowhere near as complex), before the operation he asked the Doctor if he would be able to sing after the operation, the doctor said curtly "yes of course". My Dad replied: "That's strange because I couldn't before".

I know you must have be going through a lot, and it certainly sounds like you're in good hands and approaching things positively. You're in our thoughts and thanks for sharing your journey with us. I hope the continued treatment is successful, please let us know how you get on.

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Re: I was missing, but now back again!
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2024, 08:17:21 PM »
Wishing you continued success in your recovery. 

Eager to see what’s coming on the Carcassonne front.  We have definitely missed you here.

Offline wallaceprime

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Re: I was missing, but now back again!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2024, 10:28:05 PM »
before the operation he asked the Doctor if he would be able to sing after the operation, the doctor said curtly "yes of course". My Dad replied: "That's strange because I couldn't before".

Love that  :).   I was asked at one point, "Are your bowels okay?", and I realised too late I should have replied, "Yes, they're fine, it's my consonants I'm having trouble with".

I did find after the operation my voice was much lower and weaker than before and I really missed being able to inflect high tones in my speech, especially when I was being enthusiastic about something; I would go to speak with a higher tone and nothing would come out. It gradually came back over two to three months. It was while I was investigating my vocal range that I discovered that my electric toothbrush vibrates perfectly at middle C.

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Re: I was missing, but now back again!
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2024, 03:48:34 AM »
It's great to have you back after such an ordeal, @wallaceprime !!!

Your positivity is a plus in your recovery, nerdy or not... Ha ha ha! Hope you fell 100% recovered in no time.

Eager to see your new creations. We were wonderting why you were so silent of late. Now we know.

Best wishes!
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Re: I was missing, but now back again!
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2024, 07:05:33 AM »
Glad you're on the mend, Wallaceprime!  Best wishes on a speedy recovery!  I look forward to updates on all your awesome creations!
It's all fun and games...until the Cosmic Portal Mirror Zone comes out.

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