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Messages - cletus81
« on: June 06, 2023, 07:08:15 AM »
Hey guys, I mailed Ted if he still have these coasters sets. His answer was yes and he can ship these to the Netherlands or other countries Maybe if there are more people interested in these coasters we can ship together to Europe.
Coaster Sets are $20 each and include the following:
- 72 coasters in the original base game designs - 7 coasters in the 7 Corn Circle I designs - 4 coasters in the 4 Tunnels designs - 6 coasters in the 1 Abbey designs (to support 6 players)
If you are interested please post it down below.
Hello, I got the coasters in 2018, do you know if the shot glasses are still available?
« on: January 25, 2023, 07:33:32 AM »
Thank you for your replies. Although I can't get access to the links you posted, I have checked WikiCarpedia and I found the differences you both wrote about. But I was specifically referring to the Hans Im Gluck versions. Does the 2020 Muller edition is in someway different from the 2022 one?
« on: January 24, 2023, 01:19:47 AM »
Hello, I have just taken a look to Linksux pictures and I have just realized that there are many differences between Muller Winter Edition 2020 and the new 2022 Edition. I would like to get both versions, but how can I recognize them from the box?
« on: February 14, 2022, 09:09:02 AM »
Wow, the Carcassonne 70 scoreboard is one of the few missing items in my Carcassonne collection, so count me in! Many thanks! Andrea
« on: December 18, 2021, 08:04:08 AM »
I just got word from Swan Panasia about the 2nd bulk order to Europe:
The 37 maps delivered to Germany would cost: (37 * 500 TWD/Map + 4,700 TWD for shipping) = 23,200 TWD.
Assuming 1 TWD = 0,03184 EUR
The 37 maps delivered to Germany would cost: (37 * 15.92 EUR/Map + 149,65 EUR for shipping) = 768,69 EUR. Each map would be 20,78 EUR including shipping, but I would consider an extra 1 EUR due to currency conversion, as it was the case for the previous bulk oder.
On top of this, you will have to add: * Customs Duties (if any - it was 6,59 EUR for Spain since the box was marked as non dutieable). Do we know if this is the same for Germany? * Shipping to each country hub and final reciepient. This could be around 15 EUR (as far as I understood to Konrad2605) + additional cardboard boxes/tubes + final delivery if necessary. Please Konrad2605, correct me if I'm wrong.
We would need to confirm if you all agree about the costs.
Once we know everyone is onboard, we would nned to collect the money up front to cover Swan Panasia costs + ~5 EUR per map for possible extra costs = 26 EUR/map.
Wehn Konrad2605 has received the money, he would pay Swan Panasia and the maps would be shipped to him. Once he receives them, he would need to add have to reorganize the maps in separate shippings and get extra boxes as required for the new shippings. He would also get an estimation of the shipping costs to each country, send the packages and collect the money difference from each recipient. These recipients would manage the domestic distribution as required (additional shipping vs. delivery in hand and possible celebratory game... you name it ).
I don't know if all this detail is necessary at this point, but I just want to let you know all the intermediate steps required.
Any thoughts?
OK, I agree
« on: December 03, 2021, 01:41:58 AM »
Let me know who prefers to serve as distribution have for Europe: konrad2605 had voluteered first (top country), but now axelsson has the largest individual order.
The idea is to request the order sent to either of you. When you receive it, you would have to split the order, buy additional tubes/boxes to forward the corresponding lot of maps to one person per country who would distribute them to their final owners.
Who is the final volunteer? You will have to confirm the orders and collect the money to pay Swan Panasia and then a second round to ship the maps to each country.
I would need a PM with your the full address, email and phone number to send the request to Swan Panasia once it is decided.
Additionally, we would need to decide within each country who is the recipient and domestic distributor. I underline my proposal (first person with largest order).
We have 35 maps for second bulk order of Taiwan Maps: * Germany (10): totor66, BigBoss, Lausitzer, ku61, konrad2605 (x3) , Zotto (x3) * Finland (8 ): axelsson (x8) * Poland (6) : ma_Rysia (x2), Mepel90, poxi, Snearone (x2) * Italy (4): gabrielgeek, cletus81 (x3) * Belgium (2): Den Ozzy, aenima * The Netherlands (3): Geert De Vylder, The-Edge (x2) * France (1): Lobo * Spain (1): fc_cat
Please confirm if you agree. Thanks in advance.
Ok, no problem to act as domestic distributor for Italy!
« on: November 30, 2021, 03:19:06 AM »
Hello, since there are not Taiwan maps on CundCo for now, I would like to join your order. If there is still room, three copies for me, thanks! I live in Italy!
« on: April 08, 2021, 03:17:55 AM »
I have the same version of the C2 Tower box, but I have never noticed before this cute Ad of the Cundco shop! Saw this for the first time today and wondered if anyone else has noticed:
The new artwork Tower has a shopping cart with tiles in it.
One tile is a Besiegers tile in the old art work. And a Spiel 14 tile, that was only limited for short time!
Anyone else notice any oddities like this?
« on: February 23, 2021, 10:00:15 AM »
Hello Ted, you are right, I have just tried them together, they perfectly match! I also discovered that Cundco's coasters are bigger than yours!
« on: November 20, 2020, 01:14:21 AM »
What about that box on the right-hand side of the picture? It looks like the one wih CutCassonne on the bottom... Could anyone confirm this yet?
Yes, I also confirm this, I got the same box for the Advent action of two years ago and it looks exactly like this one!
« on: October 31, 2019, 03:08:31 PM »
I have the Phantom display, I have just sent you a PM!
« on: March 10, 2019, 02:17:12 PM »
You see them often without the tiles, and just the software. With the tiles having something unique on them, this was something I still wanted to add to my collection. So I was very happy to find this one, and for a very good price
I won an auction for exactly the same item just few days ago! It should arrive in few days, I can't wait to get my hands on it!!!
« on: December 10, 2018, 03:07:41 AM »
Just received my order from CundCo (including Spiel '18 tile!) with a pleasant surprise: if you order the gift package (5 meeple sets + 3 mini expansions) you get everything inside the CutCassonne box!
« on: November 20, 2018, 03:10:01 AM »
grazie Cletus!
Figurati! Even the English translation is quite clear, I hope this can help someone else!
« on: November 19, 2018, 01:58:39 PM »
Ciao Aenima, le regole ufficiali della versione inglese non sono ancora state pubblicate da Z-Man, per cui mi limito a tradurti in sintesi le poche novità della versione invernale. 1. quando acquisisci un edificio il cui costo è dato, puoi decidere di aggiungere ai materiali richiesti anche una pietra e ottenere i relativi 5 punti in più; analogamente, quando acquisisci una civilization card puoi aggiungere al numero di materiali necessari per acquisirla anche un lingotto d'oro ed ottenere oltre alla carta, i 6 punti dell'oro; 2. wild animal card: vanno mescolate con le altre civilization card, ma solo dopo aver piazzato le prime quattro sul tabellone (non ci può essere una di queste carte nel primo round); all'inizio dei turni successivi, al momento di riempire gli spazi rimasti liberi potrebbe apparire una di queste carte: in tal caso la si mette da parte e si continua a riempire gli spazi rimasti; da questo turno la wild animal card entra in gioco e finché non viene eliminata, ogni giocatore nel lancio dei dadi partirà con l'handicap indicato sulla carta (-1, -2 o -3) indipendentemente dal numero di dadi lanciati; per eliminare la carta e il relativo malus è necessario riempire gli spazi sulla carta con tanti lavoratori quanti sono i giocatori (quindi da 2 a 4 spazi a seconda del numero di giocatori): nella fase di piazzamento ognuno al proprio turno può posizionare un lavoratore (solo uno) su questa carta; tuttavia, se al turno successivo è rimasto almeno uno spazio libero, il giocatore potrà piazzarvi un secondo lavoratore (si tratta chiaramente di una deroga alla regola generale di piazzamento di questo gioco); una volta terminato il piazzamento di tutti i lavoratori, prima della fase 2, si controlla se ci sono ancora spazi liberi su questa carta: se ce ne sono, la carta resta in gioco con il relativo malus e i lavoratori piazzati su quella carta rimarranno imprigionati fino al prossimo round (unico vantaggio: non dovranno essere sfamati nella fase 3); se invece tutti gli spazi sono occupati, la carta viene eliminata e con essa il suo effetto negativo e i giocatori tireranno i dadi per ottenere la relativa ricompensa (un dado per ogni lavoratore presente sulla carta) indicata sulla carta stessa (qualunque valore del dado si ottenga, si può sempre decidere di scambiare quella ricompensa con 3 punti vittoria); 3. gli igloo: si piazzano a fianco del tabellone; si tratta semplicemente di edifici che possono essere acquisiti in ogni momento in alternativa agli edifici classici; ovviamente una volta acquisiti, tali edifici non sono più disponibili, ma il gioco prosegue normalmente; nel calcolo finale dei moltiplicatori degli edifici, gli igloo NON contano