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Topics - Meepledrone

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I sent a few questions about Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries to HiG and we got the following clarifications.

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

Some other questions about this expansion were covered in this previous topic:

I sent a question about Wonders of Humanity to HiG and we got the following clarifications from Ron Bussenius.

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

Quizzes, Puzzles and Challenges / Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« on: November 29, 2024, 09:41:16 AM »
The wind blows... The fields around Carcassonne dance at its will. A distant bell toll can be heard...

Suddendly, an oinky voice resonates all over the empty landscape:
- Chanchito: (echoing) Has the Advent Quiz started yet?
- Tile 1: (from underneath) Will you shut up?
- Tile 2: How dare you disturb our beauty nap!?!?!
- Tile 1: What? You see? Now I will have to treat my whitening edges again...
- Tile 3: Uhhhhhh! That looks terribly terrible.
- Tile 1: :o
- Tile 4: Oh my! What a disaster!!!
- All tiles: (deafening chatter)
- Chanchito: Now I understand why the dragon cannot eat tiles... :-\
- The dragon: (spewing fire from the distance) Ho ho ho! (under his breath) 1... 2.... 3...
- All tiles: (all shut up abruptly)
- Tile 1: Hey you! I heard you...
- Tile 2: Shut up that snout of yours...
- Tile 3: I will kick you with my corner where it hurts the most...
- Chanchito: (stuttering) But I,... :o
- Chanchito: Erhhhh! Time to flee!!! (running away) Ciaoooooooo!
- All tiles: (deafening chatter goes on...)
- The dragon: (Sighing) Ahhhh! Ignorance is bliss... >:D
- All tiles: (deafening chatter goes on and on and on...)

@Bumsakalaka contacted Cundco about German castles in May 2024 and later I revisited the matter and expanded the questions to Abbeys, Halflings and wonders in October 2024. We received the following clarifications...

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

News and Events / Wonders of Humanity II - Early release in Carcassonne
« on: September 04, 2024, 06:13:41 AM »
Next weekend, as part of the Carcassonne in Carcassonne event, we will be able to have early access to a new mini. Finally we will see Wonders of Humanity II, which includes: Tikal, Abu Simbel and Angkor Wat.

We don't know if the Ports of Carthage (as seen in the playtesting of the mini prototype was discarded or they just skiped it in this image). We'll find out soon... ;D

I sent a few questions about The Markets of Leipzig to HiG and we got the following clarifications from Ron Bussenius.

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

Official Rules / Watchtowers - Clarifications by Cundco - 10 07 2024
« on: July 11, 2024, 04:32:07 AM »
I contacted Cundco about the ghosts, abbots and spell circles, and I received the following clarifications on July 10th 2024...

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

Happy Easter! Here you are a tiny quiz. Hope you enjoy it.

Question: Red places the last tile of the game. The player has the following questions:
a) How many points does each player score in the last turn of the game?
b) How many points does each player score after the game ends?

* This question only uses normal meeples. No large meeples were used.
* We are considering the current rules for non-square tiles (C2/C3). If you use the C1 rules, please indicate so.

I contacted Cundco about the ghosts, abbots and spell circles, and I received the following clarifications on March 13th 2024...

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

I contacted Cundco about the Wonders of Humanity. I received the following clarification on March 8th 2024...

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

@NGC 54 came across this post on Reddit about removing an abbot with ghosts from Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries.

This topic is not covered by the rules and HiG might clarify it eventually if we are lucky. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you the issue and see if we can decide a community rule for this case. The question on the table is:

How many points is a ghost added to an abbot worth when the abbot is removed from a monastery or a garden during the game?
a) 0 points, since the abbot removal is a figure scoring and ghosts should not affect it. Abbots only affect completed features during the game.
b) -1 point, since the abbot is scored as if the monastery or garden was scored at the end of the game.
c) -2 points, since the abbot is scored during the game, no matter whether the number of points considered is computed as if the feature with the abbot was scored after the game.

On top of this, I've been also trying to make the parallel case affecting acrobats from Exp. 10 - Under the Big Top. You could asign ghosts to an acrobat in a pyramid. What would happen when scoring the acrobat pyramid? Would the scoring of an acrobat with ghosts be affected? How would cases a) or c) apply to acrobats?

What do you think?

My current thoughts are the following for each case (spoiler alert - maybe you want to think about your take on all this before reading my current thoughts below):

a) 0 points (no effect - special case for abbots and acrobats): This was my initial thought for a brief period of time, but it seemed too easy for an abbot could shake off any ghost this way. I thought that if ghosts can remove an abbot, it should also affect its scoring. The same logic would apply to acrobats. The rules do not link the ghost penalty to the completion of a feature but to the participation of a meeple in a scoring.

b) -1 point (end-game penalty - special case for abbots only): This option seemed right from the standpoint of computing the points of the feature, but it didn't look right that an abbot scored during the game was less penalized than an acrobat (-1 point for abbots and -2 points for acobats didn't seem right). This seemed awkward. 

c) -2 points (during-the-game penalty - general case for abbots and acrobats): This option is my current favorite, since both abbots and acrobats should be penalized by ghosts the same way during the game. So even if the abbot scores the same points as its feature would score at the end of the game, this is just an example of how the points are computed, but doesn't force ghosts added to abbots to behave in a special way. All ghosts should be worth -2 points during the game. No matter what.

So, in the end. The general case as described in option c) seems right to me. But you may have different points of view, and a different line of thought. I would appreciate all your inputs. Thank you in advance.

General / MOVED: NOËL
« on: December 17, 2023, 12:06:37 PM »

Quizzes, Puzzles and Challenges / Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIII
« on: November 29, 2023, 11:17:24 AM »
Hi all,

For those unaware of what it is really going on, I will just break it for you: Christmas is coming!!! Again... So does Winter... at least in the Northern Hemisphere!

In preparation of the coming events, here at Carcassonne Central, a lot is happening behind the scenes once again. The Meeple Council is in session discussing whether wonder tiles should be counted as 1 tile or as 5 tiles for the dragon...

This is just a smoke screen, because the real agenda for today is...

The Advent Calendar Quiz MMXXIII

Stay tuned, because on December 1st Fate will be knocking at your door... Will you be there to open? What surprises will it bring?

Ready or not, the clock is ticking! Can you hear it?

News and Events / The Drawbridges - New mini coming soon
« on: October 25, 2023, 02:07:15 PM »
The Drawbridges will be release for the Advent Campaign, but some online stores are already listing it for 5.90€ and higher (pre-order only or course)

This mini-expansion contains a new type of tile, where the time of scoring is crucial. If the drawbridge is down, the meeple can move from the road to the city to score extra points.

How does the drawbidge position change? We don't know yet, if this actually happens.

Here you can find a couple of images...

Have fun!

News and Events / The Meepledrone Diaries - Essen or Bust 2023
« on: October 15, 2023, 11:27:41 AM »

Dear Meeple Diary,

This was the plan... Well, it wasn't formulated as it finally turned out, but all the pieces where ready for it...

Some sweet offerings, some promo tiles, some undisclosed expansions, a secret project and a long shopping list... What would be the right timing? How would things unfold in the end?. No idea...

The Pinkassonne secret project would be revealed to the gang upon arrival, but the person who knew everything about it wasn't arriving until Friday... Chaos could unravel... or maybe not.

And also, the secret plan under wraps. Ah yes! Willem should not suspect a thing... Hush! Hush! Keep calm... So many emotions to keep contained and an unexpected climax on Sunday... Plans within plans... Scheming and plotting for months...

Everything was arranged but the details weren't written in stone... yet.

Time to take off.


PS. Hope this year the Grinch doesn't remove any diary entries. He's become too picky and removed anything containing sensitive information such as prefererred expansions, expansion leaks or actual meeple heights. Hope that the Danisthirty meeple helps me keep him at bay this time.

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