I've yet to pop open my BB5, so I'll take some photos of the boards pre-popping tonight, if it'll help
It would appear that the missing watermark on the particular tile in Sheep and Hills has now been included?
The next plan is to fill in this box with some small and promo expansions. Wonder if I have to alter the inner container, or replace it.
But it was very disappoining for them to introduce new colours with no way to get a full set without perhaps a relatively expensive mail order option and even then - no phantoms in pink or purple.
And, I'm curioius to try an 8 player megaCarcassonne some day.
In my opinion, the BB5 is really awesome, except for one thing. The price. It's ridiculously high.
Started by Luisjoey
Started by SRBO
Started by Willem
Started by caincarcassonne
Started by Intarsia