Author Topic: Alternate Rules For CutCassonne (variant)  (Read 2408 times)

Offline Gagoune

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Alternate Rules For CutCassonne (variant)
« on: January 22, 2021, 09:17:52 AM »
Hello everyone,

I recently purchased CutCassonne (with the last Xmas Package  O:-) ) and I don't like the 'normal' rules of this extension that assume that it's easy to simply cut the tiles and play with them without identifying them (either by seeing them or touching them) or glue them on blank tiles and play with them like this (they will then be thicker than the tiles in the game)... So I think we could use them in another way (a bit like the German castle, the Halflings or the Abbeys). Let me explain...

A/ if you play a game with the river (1 or 2 or 1+2), shuffle the CutCassonne tiles face down. Each player draws :
- 3 tiles for a 2 or 3-player game,
- 2 tiles for a 4 or 5-player game,
- 1 tile for a 6-player game.

B/ if you play a game without the river (1 or 2 or 1+2), shuffle the CutCassonne tiles face down. Each player draws :
- 3 tiles for a 2-player game,
- 2 tiles for a 3-player game,
- 1 tile for a 4 to 6-player game.

Remaining CutCassonne tiles are discarded for this game, put them back in the box without revealing them.

1. Placing a tile:
If you play with the river
Start the game with drawing tiles from the standard River stack. If, during the preparation phase, you have drawn a CutCassonne tile with the river, you can play it instead of drawing a tile from the standard River stack. When the last of the River tile (with any lake) is placed, if a player has kept a river tile in his game, he won't be able to play this tile during the game and the tile may be discarded (the player chooses if he wants to pretend to get a normal tile until the end of the game).

Choose to place a CutCassonne tile
During the game, you can choose to draw a place a standard Lanscape tile OR you can place a CutCassonne tile instead. Place your tile according to the usual rules.

2. Placing a meeple
When you place a CutCassonne tile, you may place a meeple on it according to the usual rules.

3. Scoring a feature
When you complete one or more features (e.g. a monastery, a road etc.) containing CutCassonne tiles, you score them according to the usual rules.

End of the game
When the last Landscape tile has been placed, the game is not finished yet, each player, clockwise, may place a Cutcassonne tile (if he has kept any in his hand) and play a normal turn. If the player doesn't get any CutCassonne tile, he passes his turn.

Final scoring
Features with CutCassonne tiles are scored as usual at the end of the game.

What do you think of that way to play this expansion ?

« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 03:29:21 PM by Gagoune, Reason: added what to do with the unused tiles... »

Offline PurpleMeeple

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Re: Alternate Rules For CutCassonne (variant)
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2021, 09:45:49 AM »
Hello everyone,

I recently purchased CutCassonne (with the last Xmas Package  O:-) ) and I don't like the 'normal' rules of this extension that assume that it's easy to simply cut the tiles and play with them without identifying them (either by seeing them or touching them) or glue them on blank tiles and play with them like this (they will then be thicker than the tiles in the game)... So I think we could use them in another way (a bit like the German castle, the Halflings or the Abbeys). Let me explain...

A/ if you play a game with the river (1 or 2 or 1+2), shuffle the CutCassonne tiles face down. Each player draws :
- 3 tiles for a 2 or 3-player game,
- 2 tiles for a 4 or 5-player game,
- 1 tile for a 6-player game.

B/ if you play a game without the river (1 or 2 or 1+2), shuffle the CutCassonne tiles face down. Each player draws :
- 3 tiles for a 2-player game,
- 2 tiles for a 3-player game,
- 1 tile for a 4 to 6-player game.

1. Placing a tile:
If you play with the river
Start the game with drawing tiles from the standard River stack. If, during the preparation phase, you have drawn a CutCassonne tile with the river, you can play it instead of drawing a tile from the standard River stack. When the last of the River tile (with any lake) is placed, if a player has kept a river tile in his game, he won't be able to play this tile during the game and the tile may be discarded (the player chooses if he wants to pretend to get a normal tile until the end of the game).

Choose to place a CutCassonne tile
During the game, you can choose to draw a place a standard Lanscape tile OR you can place a CutCassonne tile instead. Place your tile according to the usual rules.

2. Placing a meeple
When you place a CutCassonne tile, you may place a meeple on it according to the usual rules.

3. Scoring a feature
When you complete one or more features (e.g. a monastery, a road etc.) containing CutCassonne tiles, you score them according to the usual rules.

End of the game
When the last Landscape tile has been placed, the game is not finished yet, each player, clockwise, may place a Cutcassonne tile (if he has kept any in his hand) and play a normal turn. If the player doesn't get any CutCassonne tile, he passes his turn.

Final scoring
Features with CutCassonne tiles are scored as usual at the end of the game.

What do you think of that way to play this expansion ?
Hi Gagoune, seems like a sensible suggestion to me and as you indicate, not without president.

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It's all fun and games.. until you add The Tower expansion! ;-)

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Re: Alternate Rules For CutCassonne (variant)
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2021, 10:03:49 AM »
I like it!  :(y) :(y)

+1 merit from me.

Just an idea...

If you have some remaining CutCassonne tiles that were not distributed to the players, you could also place them face up by the scoreboard. If any player draws a tile that cannot be placed (or doesn't want to place if it requires a bridge), that player may pick one of the Cutcassonne and place it instead of drawing a new tile.
Questions about rules? Check WICA:

Offline Gagoune

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Re: Alternate Rules For CutCassonne (variant)
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2021, 10:13:29 AM »
Thank you Meepledrone and PurpleMeeple !

I prefer to discard the unused tiles, but for some "others expansions" mode, why not !  ;)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 03:30:11 PM by Gagoune »

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