Hello there

I'm selling a big part of my Carcassonne collection; the items are German versions, either used but complete and in good condition or new (if not in shrink, it is specified).
A) In C1- Base game first edition (with 70p scoreboard) / used / 70€
- Expansion 9 Sheep and Hills / used / 40€
- Mini-expansions 1-6 with Corn Circles / new / sold
- River I (with numbers on the back) / used / 15€
- River II / new / sold
- Tunnel / new / 75€
- The Cathars / new/ 80€
- The Festival 10 / new / sold
- Little Houses / new / sold
- The Windroses / new / sold
- Castles in Germany / new / sold
- Monasteries in the Netherlands / used / 30€
- The Wheel of Fortune / without shrink but never played / 25€
- Travel Carcassonne / used without box / 50€
B) In C2/C3- Mist over Carcassonne (C3) / new / sold
- Expansion 10 Under the Big Top (C2) / new / 12€
- Fruit trees (C2) / used / 3€
- Halflings (C2) / used / sold
- Watchtowers (C2) / used / 3€
- The festival (15 old version) / used / 3€
- Markets of Leipzig + Amazonas (C2) / new / 4€
C) Spin-off- Carcassonne Winter (2012) / used / 12€
- The Gingerbreadman for Carcassonne Winter / new / 30€
- Corncircles for Carcassonne Winter / new / sold
- Carcassonne The Discovery / used / sold
- Carcassonne New World / used / sold
- Carcassonne for 2 / new / sold
Just write to me if you'd like to have photos for the items you're interested in. In case of multiple items, a better price can be negotiated

. Shipping from Germany!
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year with good health and joy!
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=6802.0