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Messages - Lobo

Pages: [1]
I just booked my week-end in Carcassone. I'm only waiting for a confirmation on my tournament registration. See you there :)

News and Events / Re: Carcassonne maps: Taiwan
« on: December 19, 2021, 07:46:11 AM »
I agree with the costs

News and Events / Re: Carcassonne maps: Taiwan
« on: November 28, 2021, 09:35:31 AM »
Lastest update:

So we have 21 more people in Europe interested in an additional bulk order of Taiwan Maps:
* Germany (10): totor66, BigBoss, Lausitzer, ku61, konrad2605 (x3) , Zotto (x3)
* Poland (4) : ma_Rysia (x2), Mepel90, poxi
* Belgium (2): Den Ozzy, aenima
* The Netherlands (3): Geert De Vylder, The-Edge (x2)
* Italy (1): gabrielgeek
* Finland (1): axelsson

Anyone else interested?

EDIT: Added new requests

If there's still room, i'm interested. x1 (France)

News and Events / Re: New Spiel 2016 Releases
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:11:25 PM »
Edit: The email also says mentions that the Winter Edition expansion will be available.

Is it a new Winter Edition expansion or the Gingerbread's return?

News and Events / Re: Spiel 2016 - in Essen, Germany - 13.-16.10.2016
« on: October 01, 2016, 09:08:53 AM »

The new around-the-world spin off:  The Amazonas.
A new mini expansion : The watch tower

The new star wars expansions and Abbey and Mayor are already available.
Speculation there will also be:  A new Big Box for the new artwork.  The Japanese monasteries.

Has there been new expansions added to this list? Such as a mini Amazonas expansion?

General / Re: I love the postman...
« on: November 07, 2015, 07:21:24 AM »
How'd you get the Winter Edition Crop Circles?

Some guys on BGG are selling some mini expansions from the calendar on the marketplace. I waited until the one from Carcassonne appeared :)

General / Re: I love the postman...
« on: November 06, 2015, 09:27:59 AM »
Today was a very good day :)

Is there some news about the usual mini expansion(s) that'll be released (even if they come later at Cundco)?

A lot of good ideas here. I'll copy the ones i'd like to see

- Out of print mini expansions such as Corn Circles I, Tunnels, and GQ11, ...
- Official prints of fan expansions and tiles fom National events (UK championship, Porxada...)
- A standalone Abbott expansion with the classic design.
- blank tiles (including boats) for South Seas and Goldrush, the other spin-offs seems poor with fan expansions
- River 3
- new mini expansions of course
- the box storage for mini expansion is a great idea

- last but not least, a more english friendly version of CundCoShop

Just order the castles (with a 1$ egg, yes, i know, they say it's just a joke, but are we sure? :) ) so what's next on the Carcassonne world? I hope there'll be some expansion before the Star Wars stand alone

News and Events / Re: National Carcassonne Championships in 2015
« on: March 13, 2015, 01:10:21 AM »
No qualifiers for me either. I learned the date at the end of last week, and for the only round "near" home, Bordeaux, i've already other things planned the same day

News and Events / Re: National Carcassonne Championships in 2015
« on: March 12, 2015, 12:18:32 AM »
In France, there'll be 3 qualifiers rounds and one fnal round
The preliminary rounds will allow to win a ticket directly to the semi-finals of the final round

March, 22 in Bordeaux during Les Nomades du Jeu
March, 28-29 in Grenoble during Place au Jeu
March, 28-29 in Mons en Baroeul during Ludinord

June, 14-15 (final round) in Paris during Paris est Ludique

News and Events / Re: Carcassonne meets StarWars
« on: January 29, 2015, 05:28:24 PM »
So, if this Star Wars Carcassonne (instant buy for me) is released at the time when we got an Around the World the previous years, could this indicate there won't be one in this series in 2015?

General / Re: What's next
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:42:41 PM »
In my wishlist, i have to add an official and special edition of the Graham W's Carcassonne tiles :

General / What's next
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:58:34 PM »
2014 is nearly over and it was a great year to collect Carcassonne (2 core boxes, 1 expansion and plenty on mini expansions). And i hope 2015 will be as good

The things i expect for this new year

- the first expansion for Carcassonne 2 with the 6th player and exclusive material addition (like the abbot from the new basic game)
- a new spielbox expansion
- other monasteries series (french of course, english, spanish...)
- the Carcassonne around the world •3 and its Essen expansion

And you, what are you waiting for Carcassonne?

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