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Messages - Challa007

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 31
Here we go....  >:(
second question and it is already a MEAN question.... this can only be the influence of Mepledrina....  >:D

oh, I am very aware of that clock....  :o

WICA is calling me.... the next 24 days will be very stressful ...  8)   :@   :D

Haha, Chanchito is VERY aware of the world of Carcassonne… he is … annoying emoji code6]

Can’t believe the Advent Quizz starts tomorrow…. Thanks Meepledrone!!

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General / Re: Carcassonne Winter
« on: November 24, 2024, 04:59:32 AM »

General / Re: Cundco Advent Sale
« on: November 19, 2024, 06:39:42 AM »
First cundco advent. Just to be sure, they don't add stuff to the sale later on right?

I have never heard that they add stuff later.
It's more like: get the stuff as soon as possible because some things may get ouf of stock.... (like the tin boxes... or in previous years the Spiel tile)

good luck!!

So you want some more Advent Quiz... Did you send a request to the Meeple Council? >:D

- Challa007: ähm ähm ... sorry .... I w...
- The Grinch: what? who is disturbing our meeting??
- Challa007: ähm I am so sorry Mister Grinch ... I w..
- The Grinch: GO AWAY!!
- Challa007:   :o but I...
- The Grinch: Can't you see that we are busy preparing the next Advent Quizz? GO AWAY immediately or I...
- Challa007: sorry sorry - that's all I wanted to ask....  >:D

By the way: I cannot believe that in one month it's Advent... and we will have to go through extreme brain-work-pain again ...  >:D

(This year Advent starts officially on December 1st...)

I got my presents in person during our recent meetup in Carcassonne, thank you so much @Meepledrone and 1 merit for your generosity!!

A picture of my prize (hand made meeples) was posted here:

News and Events / Re: ESSEN 2024
« on: October 07, 2024, 12:39:38 PM »
haben die wirklich von Sommer und Herbst geredet? Sie hat sich da nicht versprochen und meinte Frühling und Herbst?
Ich finde es echt ungewöhnlich, dass sie gleich zwei Minis gleichzeitig rausbringen wollen ...
... aber wäre ja toll, wenn es stimmt ...  :D

Vielen Dank @baluderbaer , dass du die Info hier mit uns geteilt hast!

News and Events / Re: ESSEN 2024
« on: October 07, 2024, 10:04:22 AM »
Yes, there will be a new currently unknown mini released with the Advent sale

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News and Events / Re: ESSEN 2024
« on: October 07, 2024, 06:04:53 AM »
There will be a new mini for the Advent sale, then Wonders 2., the new coasters…

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I completely re-organised the first post of this thread and added a suggestion for a feasable level 6. Now the toolbox for Mists over Carcassonne seems complete...
(but more things are in my pipeline, stay tuned  ;) )

Check it out

I have added a little strategy guide to my checklists.  :D

In fact, I make strategy comments on a documented real game. If you have still difficulties with this game, you might find this helpful.

Try this out as a challenge:
you play the game in parallel and make your own tile placement choices BEFORE you read the choices other players made or I suggest.
I hope this is a fun way to get into the spirit of this game.


You will find the download link in the first post of this thread:

I decided to incorporate all comments in one pdf document  :D

note: this is still a work in progress

Currently I made comments on 23 tile placements - which is half of the game  :D

Edit October 6th, 2024: I removed the link, the final document is now available in the first post  :D

Tile 8
Again, the perfect tile for a joint city .
The tile placement is fine because it offers the possibility of a joint city with the city segment on the right. For a joint city 2 more tiles are needed.
In my alternative suggestion only one tile is needed to join the two city segments.

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