General / Re: Looking for help finding a German collector.
« on: November 02, 2024, 08:32:49 AM »
Thank you
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General / Re: Looking for help finding a German collector.« on: November 02, 2024, 08:32:49 AM »
Thank you
General / Looking for help finding a German collector.« on: October 29, 2024, 01:53:53 AM »
Hello, I am a collector from Taiwan. Because he hasn't responded to me for more than a year. I'm looking for Simon, a German collector. Because I purchased a lot of carcasonne board games from him. He hasn't sent it to me yet. I'm troubled. I don’t know what his condition is now? I have no way of knowing. I'm hoping someone else who knows him can help me inform him. Thank you.
Ask him to contact me. 3
General / Re: C1 Carcassonne Ventura First Edition (?)« on: October 23, 2024, 11:42:32 AM »
I also have a box. But my cover says it contains a river.
And yours is not. 4
Unofficial Rules / winter war« on: October 18, 2024, 09:01:56 AM »
I designed the modern Ukrainian-Russian war into rules. Take advantage of the combination of Basic Edition, Winter Edition and Map Expansion. A fourth paratrooper ability has been added to the basic version of the rules. Paratroopers can be used to capture winter
Territories and extended territories. winter war Introduction: The fierce autumn is coming to an end. The real winter war is coming. Preparation beforehand: 1. Winter version 1 box 2. Basic version 1 box 3. Random map, Neuschwanstein Castle is available in Taiwan, Ukraine, France, Germany, Northern Europe, East America, West America, Benelux, Iberian Peninsula, and the British Isles. You can purchase it from the official Neuschwanstein Castle. (The advantage of the map is that it limits the terrain. And there are several starting points to start the layout at the same time.) Divide into two piles, one for the winter version and one for the basic version. How to play: If you hit a piece of winter, you will get a piece of winter. If you hit a piece of basic, you will get a piece of basic. Each person keeps a basic piece of winter in his hand. Proceed according to normal rules. rule: Condition 1. Winter tiles can cover basic tiles of the same terrain. On the contrary, the basic tile cannot cover the winter tile. Condition 2. Winter version tiles can cover basic tiles of the same terrain that are occupied by people (it is considered to be blown away, no matter whose soldier Mibao is, returned to the player's supply area). Because the enemy troops were blown away on this plate, you cannot play any role as soldiers, bandits, or monks. You can only lie on it as paratroopers. If no enemy's basic tiles are covered, any character can be selected. The winter section does not have the farmer character, but instead has a paratrooper character. Condition 3. In the winter version, paratroopers airborne and lying on the snow are considered occupying troops. At this time, the winter war began. The occupying force will continue to expand its territory. Each occupying territory cannot be linked. Condition 4. If the drawn tile cannot be placed, discard the cards and put them back into the box and draw a new tile. game over: The plates are exhausted. Final score: If paratroopers land on the winter block, they will occupy the army until the end of the game. In the end, each winter tile derived from the occupying army’s winter tile is worth 1 point. The basic version of the farmer is worth 3 points for a complete castle. Still get the winter castle. For soldiers, a complete castle has 2 points for each piece + a shield has 2 points for each piece, and an incomplete castle has 1 point for each piece + a shield has 1 point. Bandits, 1 point per slice for complete roads, 1 point for each slice for incomplete roads. For monks, a complete monastery is worth 9 points, whereas if it is not complete, each piece is worth 1 point. Notice: First blow up the enemy's meeple, then parachute your own meeple. Exactly the same terrain, such as the winter version of Leading Monastery overlaid on top of the basic tile of Leading Abbey. The monks on the basic tiles were blown away first. In the winter section of the Leading Monastery, you can airdrop your own paratrooper meeple as an occupying force. https://lurl.cc/9wvXw https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PloCFCoSXUqmnsFsa62eYi9y4IAPvV0v?usp=drive_link 5
Official Rules / Re: Hunters and Gatherers Scout« on: July 28, 2024, 07:40:13 AM »
Assuming that there are already multiple lakes in a river system, dug-out will be added in the middle stage. Whoever completes one of the two lakes in any section of the river system with the most fish will be awarded points only during the dug-out period.
Is my understanding correct? 6
Official Rules / Hunters and Gatherers Scout« on: July 27, 2024, 05:09:27 AM »
Hunters and Gatherers Scout
I have a question that I'm not sure how to play? Need some experienced players to help me clarify. Dug-out: Every time a river in this river system is completed (regardless by which player), the owner of the dug-out scores as many points as the largest lake has fish. [6] When placing: There may not be any fisherman on the river. When the river is completed, the dug-out counts as a fisherman, but is not returned to the player's supply after scoring. Question: The English translation says "as many points as the largest lake on this river has fish". The original German just seems to say "as many points as the largest lake has fish". Is it the largest lake on the river or the largest lake on the river-system? Answer: The intention was that it should be the largest lake on the river-system. My question: How does the scoring process work? After the game is over, are the fish in all the lakes on the river scored together? Or during the game, no matter which player closes a section of the river, the points he gets are the points of choosing the lake with the most fish at both ends of the river as the Dug-out? 7
General / Re: We are all on our way to Carcassonne« on: July 21, 2024, 12:00:31 PM »
He has an amazing collection. What a great experience.
General / Re: Reassurance requested :-D« on: July 08, 2023, 09:24:07 AM »
There are many versions of this box of ZMAN in China, and this pirated product is being sold.The box is still of poor quality. Only the outer box is really similar.
General / Re: Reassurance requested :-D« on: July 08, 2023, 09:22:02 AM »
This is a bootleg and your scoreboard is too thin. Someone once showed me a comparison chart of genuine and pirated copies.
The Marketplace / Carcassonne 3.0 - Nebel über Carcassonne(Taiwan)« on: June 27, 2023, 08:31:08 AM »![]() Players who want to collect this version can contact me. As shown in the left picture above, a box is NT$1030, and the international shipping fee is calculated separately. In addition to the picture above, collectors who need help finding various basic and large-box traditional Chinese versions, welcome to come to me for mutual cooperation. I am a collector of Carcassonne in Taiwan. I also need a collector living in Germany to help me buy the Carcassonnes I need. I can provide other collectibles that can be exchanged. If you want to make friends with me or know more details, please contact me, and I will provide my FB contact information. 11
General / Re: Find a german friend« on: May 22, 2023, 06:29:12 AM »If you want me to DM me his phone number, I'd appreciate it just do I can check he's ok. I'm sure the things he are holding for you are safe, it was very much a shock to hear he was unwell. I'm sure he you'll find a way to get them to you.Thank you.I have messaged you. 12
General / Re: Find a german friend« on: May 22, 2023, 05:00:49 AM »
Thank you for your reply. Because I also have the goods that I asked him to help order, and they are also on his side. Hence the need to contact him. Because there is no reply for too long. I have no other choice. In addition, I have a friend who is also contacting him.
General / Find a german friend« on: May 22, 2023, 04:20:48 AM »
Feel sorry. Bother everyone. I cannot speak the language. I need a German guy who can help me to contact the network to see how he is doing. Can someone help me?
News and Events / Re: C1 Monasteries in Germany now available from Asmodee USA« on: May 08, 2023, 06:38:59 PM »![]() There is only this picture left on the official website. So this should be C1. 15
General / music with carcassonne« on: May 07, 2023, 09:40:05 PM »
https://opengameart.org/content/woodland-fantasy3 Woodland Fantasy This website has a lot of space music can be downloaded. |