[Q1] Whose meeples are removed when you use a Road Sweeper gift card on a road?
[A1] Like in other scorings, all the meeples on the road are removed afterwards, even those in minority or tied during the scoring. Afterwards, you may add a meeple to this road just unoccupied, for example, when adding a tile to it.
When using a Road Sweeper gift card on a road, you trigger its scoring and remove all the meeples on it afterwards. Since the road is left unoccupied before placing a tile, you may occupy it again during your turn, if possible.
* In the base game, there is no difference between scoring a road during the game of after the game, that is why the rules do not specify this detail. For the sake of consistency, we should understand the uncompleted road will be scored as if after the game.
* This gift card does not work like Message #1 or Message #8 on a road. In this case, you trigger the actual scoring of an uncompleted road, that's why all the meeples on it are removed.