Oh my... Why... The rules'd have been so much simplier if we could protect a meeple only during 2. Placing a meeple phase...Well, that's gonna add some lines on WICA!
Quote from: corinthiens13 on January 25, 2021, 12:51:43 PMOh my... Why... The rules'd have been so much simplier if we could protect a meeple only during 2. Placing a meeple phase...Well, that's gonna add some lines on WICA! I discussed this with Andreas Kramer and Christof Tisch and the only restriction was that the active player is the only allowed to do it (if several meeples are moved/deployed due to other actions). In my opinion, I would preferred to allow meeple protection in 2. Placing a meeple only, but this is what we got...
[Q2.] When moving an unprotected wagon, can it be protected? If so, should we pay 2 (wagon was already placed) or 4 points (new placement)? Would this be applicable to all players even if it is not their turn?[A2.] You can protect only in your turn. So if you move the wagon in a turn of other players, you can not protect it. How much it costs, is written in the rules.It should cost 2 points since the wagon was already placed.[Q3.] When using other placement methods (crop circles, meeple exchange with Exp. 7 - Seduction Token -or La Porxada by extension-)? If so, these would require 4 points for newly placed meeples and 2 points for meeples in play, right? Would this be applicable to all players even if it is not their turn?[A3.] See above.
Conclusions of these answers and the ones in the previous batch of responses:* Meeples can be protected from peasant revolts... - when placed on any feature (direct placement, magic portal, flying machine, crop circle,...) - when moved to another feature (wagon movement, redeployment from Carcassonne, meeple exchange,...)* You may protect a meeple even the feature it occupies is not affected by peasant revolts. It is up to the player to waste points.
Applying those rules to the French order of play brought me some questions:Quote from: Meepledrone on January 25, 2021, 12:43:39 PM[Q2.] When moving an unprotected wagon, can it be protected? If so, should we pay 2 (wagon was already placed) or 4 points (new placement)? Would this be applicable to all players even if it is not their turn?[A2.] You can protect only in your turn. So if you move the wagon in a turn of other players, you can not protect it. How much it costs, is written in the rules.It should cost 2 points since the wagon was already placed.[Q3.] When using other placement methods (crop circles, meeple exchange with Exp. 7 - Seduction Token -or La Porxada by extension-)? If so, these would require 4 points for newly placed meeples and 2 points for meeples in play, right? Would this be applicable to all players even if it is not their turn?[A3.] See above.I'm not sure I agree with your interpretation that it should cost 2 points since the meeple was already in play, because:Protecting a meeple for two points is only "Each time you do not to place a meeple on the tile you just have placed". Applying this action (and so its condition too) during the whole turn makes no sense (if I did place a meeple during step 2, why wouldn't I be able to protect the wagon I move in step 3 (note that it's anyway not possible to place a new meeple in step 3, so applying that condition for step 3 only makes no sense either)), so this is applicable only during step 2, instead of placing a meeple.The rule says "If you place a meeple on a tile, you may also protect this very meeple, for the cost of 4 points". The wagon, or meeple exchanged, were indeed already in play, but they still have just been placed (since they moved), and they of course have been placed on a tile, it doesn't matter if they were already on a tile before and not in the player's supplySince the 2 points protection is for any meeple, applying it for wagon or exchanges would mean if I do not protect that meeple (wagon or meeple exchanged), then I'm allowed to protect any other meeple instead... Too easy It's only the 4 points protection that is specific to a single meeple (the one just placed) and doesn't allow to protect any other meepleSo it's only during step 2, instead of placing a meeple, that we may protect a meeple for 2 points. Other protections are always for 4 points.What do you think?
Quote from: Meepledrone on January 25, 2021, 12:52:05 PMConclusions of these answers and the ones in the previous batch of responses:* Meeples can be protected from peasant revolts... - when placed on any feature (direct placement, magic portal, flying machine, crop circle,...) - when moved to another feature (wagon movement, redeployment from Carcassonne, meeple exchange,...)* You may protect a meeple even the feature it occupies is not affected by peasant revolts. It is up to the player to waste points.What of farmers? The rule says "Farmers cannot be protected. They are never affected by peasant revolts.", but they may also be exchanged with la Porxada or the catapult... So:Can we protect a farmer, despite the rules?If answer to the first question is "no", what if a protected highwayman is exchanged with a farmer, does it stay protected?
The rules indicate that you cannot protect farmers, but as per the clarifications, I would assume you can protect farmers if you want, but it is just a waste of points unless you have an agenda for that farmer.
But farmers notnneed to be protected, right? None of revolt are against farmers because "farmers" are revolvers, right?Odoslané z SM-A202F pomocou Tapatalku
Started by Meepledrone
Started by Finstochian