Holiday Season 2015 is fast approaching - I thought we could celebrate it between us with a little 'secret santa' style gift giving exercise.
The General Idea
If/When we have enough participants, I will randomly pull names to create a Chain of Gift Giving; then PM you with the details of the person to send to.
EG: A-->B-->C-->D-->A
Most people here on CarcC have most of the Carcassonne things they need (possibly more than), except a few of those pricey rarities; because of this, we thought your gift to another member should be something more personal or unique. It would be worth making sure your Profiles are up to date.
We were thinking gifts should cost around £5 / 7€ / $10 / regional equivalent. Bear in mind that some members of the forum may be further away than others, so postage fees may induce additional costs.
Please remember the gift of giving is more important than the art of receiving. Please do not be disappointed if: having spent 1000hrs constructing a 100 unique tiles and crafting meeple from stone using nothing more than a toothpick, you only to receive a blank tile with some obscure crayon marks in return. Remember that the person receive your gift will be thrilled with your gift and that is worth more than anything else.
I may ask that photos of gifts are forwarded to me, prior to sending just to make sure gifts are kept in proportion - it also means all the photos can be posted here on the forum at the same time.
Some Suggestions for Gifts
It would be great to craft a fan expansion as a gift, maybe a set of tiles with some artwork on them.
Alternatively, you could construct Christmas decorations or make custom score markers.
Artscow bags are usually welcome too.
If you really feel you're artistically challenged, like me, then I don't want to exclude you - there are plenty of items available, like meeple or tokens, that could be used to make expansions without having to make custom tiles.
If you're desperate I'm sure you could buy something on Etsy/Ebay/Basically Wooden.
Registering an interest
I think it's important to make sure you're keeping an eye on your PMs if you're taking part. I wouldn't want anyone to not receive a gift because someone became inactive or didn't have the time to commit etc.
If you'd like to take part, or have a suggestion, please include your name below.