Author Topic: Guardian UK newspaper - 20 awesome board games you may never have heard of  (Read 9545 times)

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and the number 1 game is ????

the tile-based farming / castle building / road-based thievery simulator has enduring popularity, and is still winning new fans the globe over. It’s a game that’s a dream to play in pubs, even if you have to wear the curiosity of fellow locals with a fixed grin at times. The game has loads of add-on packs to increase the complexity. “For me, it is the ultimate,” says an anonymous French man who owns a lot of board games.

“Well designed, well crafted, never the same scenarios. Clever extension packs which keep the game fresh,” murmured one reader with approval. “A brilliant game with near infinite re-playability


Offline Paul

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Looking at the boards layout makes me wanna buy and test a few of them.

It's rarely we get time play any board game at all these days, but I hope we'll start again when winter arrives keeping the social indoors. We've not much for board games outdoors here (in my group). I might even buy a new board game tomorrow if I can get to the store in time after our football game.

Nice article, fun to read. Thank you!
World record holder for a single game of Carcassonne using 10 007 tiles!

Offline danisthirty

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Nice link loki. :(y)

I hadn't heard of a lot of those games, but it's good to see that Carcassonne got a favourable mention. :)

Offline DIN0

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Actualy I think everybody has heard of them. They are some of the best known games out there  ???

Offline Rosco

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Hi Tp10053.  You are obviously a gamer but I am only a carcassonne fanatic and actually I have only heard of about 5 of them. 
Just lay the damn tile!

Offline DIN0

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Hi Tp10053.  You are obviously a gamer but I am only a carcassonne fanatic and actually I have only heard of about 5 of them.
Of course, I didn't mean to be rude or anything  ;) I kind of figured it out, it just surprised me a bit the first time, because I was expecting some other games  :gray-meeple:

Offline danisthirty

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I guess it all depends on the target audience.

When a national newspaper publishes a list of "awesome board games you may never have heard of", you can expect to see some very different games than you might expect if BGG for example published a list with the same name!

Offline Hounk

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The introduction makes it quite clear and gives a valid explanation. There are many people in the world not into board gaming. And most of them, in industrialised countries at least, quite likely know the like of Chess or Monopoly, but never have heard of any of the games mentioned in the list. I can say of myself, I was with them a little over a year ago. Then my oncle introduced me with Catan, and in the meantime, I have played 5 of this games, (although Dominion only online), and at least heard of some of the others. But unlike "Trivial Pursuing", which had a great hype in it's time, making it notable to many people outside the board gaming communities, it's save to say, that you may have never heard of Carcassonne. (Not if you are registered at CarcCentral, of course. :P)

Offline SRBO

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The introduction makes it quite clear and gives a valid explanation. There are many people in the world not into board gaming. And most of them, in industrialised countries at least, quite likely know the like of Chess or Monopoly, but never have heard of any of the games mentioned in the list. I can say of myself, I was with them a little over a year ago. Then my oncle introduced me with Catan, and in the meantime, I have played 5 of this games, (although Dominion only online), and at least heard of some of the others. But unlike "Trivial Pursuing", which had a great hype in it's time, making it notable to many people outside the board gaming communities, it's save to say, that you may have never heard of Carcassonne. (Not if you are registered at CarcCentral, of course. :P)

That point where you suddenly find out that there is a lot more then the boring monopoly and chess. A whole world suddenly opened:P

And then the addiction began..

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