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Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
Here comes the dictionary for the world of the game Carcassonne - German/English.
It is not a typical dictionary a-z. It is a thematically dictionary.
I am working at the Carcassonne-Forum to make this dictionary.
example: Goldstück - gold piece (CAR) / gold ingot (ZMG)
Goldstück - this is the German word in bold
gold piece (CAR) / gold ingot (ZMG) - the English word (where I have found it)
CAR: The Complete Annotated Rules
RGG: Rio Grande Games
ZMG: Z-Man-Games
HiG : Hans-im-Glück-Verlag
ZMG: I have only the rules from the BigBox4
RGG: I haven't the rules from the Minis 1-6 (7). I have the rules from the BigBox1-3.
At the Carcassonne-Forum are more English rules for example the rules from the Spielbox. But we haven't there the rules for the Minis 1-6(7) from RGG.
Edit: Now - I have the scan of the rules from RGG
Die Figuren - the figures (RGG+CAR) / the pawns (ZMG)
Gefolgsleute - followers
Gefolgsmann - follower
Großer Gefolgsmann - big follower (CAR) / large follower (RGG+ZMG)
Wagen - wagon
Bürgermeister - mayor
Phantom - phantom
Sonderfiguren - special figures (RGG+CAR)/ special pawns (ZMG)
Schwein - pig
Baumeister - builder
Gutshof - barn
Zählstein - scoring marker (CAR+RGG) / score marker (ZMG)
Zählfigur (Wertungsfigur) - scoring (counting) figure (CAR)
Gefolgsfrau - woman follower (CAR) / messenger (ZMG) / follower (RGG)
Gefolgsmann - follower (CAR) / marker (ZMG)
Räuber - robber
neutrale Figuren - neutral figures (RGG+CAR) / neutral pawns (ZMG)
Fee - fairy
Drache - dragon
Magier - mage
Hexe - witch
Brücke - bridge
Turmteil - tower part (RGG) / tower piece (CAR+RGG) / tower floors - floors (ZMG)
Lehrer - teacher
Graf - count
Schwein (Schicksalsrad) - pig (wheel of fortune)
Material - components (ZMG)
Fähre - ferry
Würfel - die
Goldstück - gold piece (CAR) / gold ingot (ZMG) / gold bars (RGG)
--- Quote from: kettlefish on March 03, 2013, 03:13:35 AM ---But we haven't there the rules for the Minis 1-6(7) from RGG.
--- End quote ---
kettlefish - here is a scan of the RRG rules for all 6 Minis.
RGG Rules for all 6 Minis
--- Quote from: Carcking on March 03, 2013, 07:20:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: kettlefish on March 03, 2013, 03:13:35 AM ---But we haven't there the rules for the Minis 1-6(7) from RGG.
--- End quote ---
kettlefish - here is a scan of the RRG rules for all 6 Minis.
RGG Rules for all 6 Minis
--- End quote ---
Thanks, Carcking.
I think it is very interesting what differences of translation we would find out - RGG and ZMG.
Plättchen - tokens
Warenplättchen -
trade good tokens (RGG) / trade counters (CAR) / goods tokens (ZMG)
1.0 Wein - wine
2.0 Korn - grain (CAR+RGG) / wheat (ZMG)
3.0 Tuch - cloth (CAR+RGG) / fabric (ZMG)
Katapult-Plättchen - catapult tokens
1.0 Tortenschlacht - knock out
1.1 Gefolgsleute treffen - remove followers
2.0 Verführung - seduction
2.1 Gefolgsleute austauschen - follower exchange
3.0 Schützenfest - target hurling
3.1 Jahrmarktskarte treffen - fair contest
4.0 Fangen - catch
4.1 einer schleudert, der nächste fängt - one hurls, the other catches
Plättchen der Pest - tokens from the plague
1.0 Floh-Chips - flea chips (Spielbox) / flea tokens (CAR)
1.1 Flöhe - fleas (Spielbox)
2.0 Pestherde - outbreaks (Spielbox) / outbreak tokens (CAR)
2.1 Pestherd aktiv - active outbreak
2.2 Pestherd gebannt - plague averted (Spielbox) / outbreak eradicated (CAR)
Gebäudeplättchen - building tiles (CAR)
1.0 Türme - towers
2.0 Häuser - houses
3.0 Schuppen - sheds
Andere Plättchen - other tokens
1.0 Tunnel-Chips - tunnel tokens (CAR)
Gebiets-Plättchen - feature tokens
1.0 Burg - castle
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