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Topics - Guesclin

Pages: [1]
General / Eismeeple/icemeeple at cundco
« on: February 23, 2014, 01:21:15 PM »
So what's the deal with the eismeeple at the cundco shop. It says its 25euro for one exclusive meeple. So can it make me a sandwich, get a gold medal at ice skating or like solve world peace.
What's The deal?

General / Abbreviated Mega Carcassonne
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:21:58 AM »
Just a question,

I really like to play with a lot of different extensions and like mega carcassonne. It's just that it takes long and the casual players get bored. So i was thinking about reducing a lot of tiles. For example with fliers , ferries bazar etc. i could just put in 1. For trade goods i could go with 2 cloth, three grain and 4 barrels. For gold mines i could do 2 tiles and make 1 bar 1 point, 2 bars 2 point etc.

Some expansions can be more difficult, like the dragon. Maybe insert 2 volcanoes and 4 dragon tiles.

I feel it has a lot of advantages cause it will make the game a lot shorter. It will restore the balance between base game and expansion so that not every tile gets to do something. Furthermore tile counting will be a lot more difficult. And casual players won't get bored.

Has anybody tried this?
What are good house rules and how much of each expansion did you use?

Or does it ruin the game?

KInd regards

General / Kickstarter project: Carcassone collection box?
« on: February 06, 2014, 03:17:40 PM »
I saw a lot of people are interested in a good , preferably wooden, collection box for carcassone.
I saw some very nice handwork here on the forum (keep up the good work). And is saw the very nice *ahem* thing which cundco produced.

I do know there are companies which build wooden boxes for promotional things like wineboxes etc. for promotion and there are some companies who make some pretty nice things. But ussually they start at a hundred boxes which is a bit much if you order on your own.

I also noticed some of you guys have some experience with kickstarter.

So how about i or somebody who is good at this  designs a box which is big enough to hold everything. Also for the people who have 6 base sets and has enough room for another 13 years of carcassonne.

Pass some different designs by you guys. Have a vote. Put it on kickstarter. Order a prototype. Try it out make it as cheap as possible for everybody and just distract expenses and 1 free box for myself as payment.

Do you guys and gals think this is a good idea?

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