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MEGA Carcassonne how we play it
Mega Carcassonne: how we play it:
I love to play MEGA Carcassonne with about 1200 tiles equivalent on a table of 180 cm by 160 cm made of 2 boards of 180 cm x 80 cm placed on trestles. This give a tile capacity of 39 x 35 = 1365 tiles.
We play with all official expansions except big top and barbers and surgeons, with fan made expansions from wikicarpedia: fortunes teller’s tent and city gates, with fan made expansions of Carcassonne Central with among others the forest (New and autumn) series by Wolnic and the sea tiles with Sailing the seas series including trade routes, reefs, 3 Barons archipelago’s and Catch of the day by Squiffything and Wolnic and Master of oceans, Archipels and Ports by oldbonz. Also Fluvium II and Wells by Wolnic, Occitan bastides by oldbonz. Which all I recommend to play. I made also some expansions.
The only persons who can follow me in this, is one of my children who’s an adult now, so we play with 2 and it takes about 64 hours of play including setup, river and coast tiles placement, game itself, end of game phase and final scoring and restore. We do not binge play. We spread a game over several months because it is not so obvious to find free time in common when it’s bad weather.
We play MEGA Carcassonne with land and sea and with 50 meeples, 12 boats and 3 ships per player in our supply.
We start a game by placing the preset cities of Carcassonne and Leipzig, the school, the double river source tile and some other river sources but not all.
Then we decide where on the playing area to have the sea tiles and type of coastline: in the middle surrounded by land or separating land or in a corner. We place then all coast tiles by drawing them on turn and try to follow the plan. In between, we hold some “neutral” coast tiles with coast angels and straight coast lines next the playing area that we place in mutual agreement to shape the coast line the way we want.
When the coastline is designed (large enough to hold all the sea tiles. We place the rivers starting from the preset sources and river mouths from the coastline by drawing them on turn. When all river tiles are placed we complete the rivers with lakes when there is a source and with sources when there are river mouths.
We have 2 bags of land tiles with a total of approximatively 900 tiles and 1 bag with approximatively 100 sea tiles. We have a round counter (a round is the completion of turns for all players double turns included) every 40 rounds for land tiles, we play 10 rounds of sea tiles. We prefer that above mix the land and sea tiles.
We particularly enjoy the rules of sailing the seas and the hunt for treasure chests with ships. I made an own expansion with variant rules of sailing the seas with new treasure chests that I called Crown Jewels, Corsairs and Miners.
We love also the field work. My fellow player is very good at limiting my fields and expanding theirs while completing and scoring features. My self, I do not have the same perspicacity and or I focus on a project or a field but I rarely match to score a project in the same time as limiting my opponents fields or expanding mine.
We enjoy also the look of the created landscapes colonized by meeples around Carcassonne and the count with the forests, roads, rivers, cities, fields, mist and the sea.
In addendum a picture of our actual game, almost finished (40 tiles still to be drawn and placed before end of game)
Wow. Epic. Thanks for sharing. Merit!
VERY impressive looking game!
Death Meeple:
I LOVE those big games... But unfortunately, very few people wants to follow me on such an adventure (even my partner doesn't want to play those unending games anymore...).
Playing it on several days is a very nice idea, sad the cat here won't allow us to do so...
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