a few questions and maybe corrections & additions.
1. Tabellone 1st edition: segnapunti 0-
75?? shouldn´t it be 0-
2. Sacchetto "Le Sac" was a fair-goodie (SPIEL '02 Essen) first avalilable in 2002 and later in CundCo-Shop.
3. La Torre (the expansion watermark appears first with the bigbox I / 2006)
4. Abbazie e Borgomastri was/is only availlable with the expansion watermark.
5. Il Conte die Carcassonne: The frontside-picture of the russian edition isn´t the correct one.
6. Pecore e colline: the missing expansion watermark on the tile was also corrected in the latest restamps...I have a corrected german version not from the bigbox, btw. another curiosity: the 18 segnalini from the bigbox has a bigger size....also the 20 segnalini merce are bigger in the BigBox.
7. "la Festa 15" was only included in a special edition
8. Il fiume: the tiles from two different special editions of the PC Game have the serial-code printed on the backside.
maybe you could also add: (pictures, sources, help via PM)
1. CutCassonne / HansimPäckchen
2. Demo-Spiel
3. missing expansion symbols on the wheel of fortune tiles from the BigBox
4. the bag size & blue-colors from the bags of the 2nd expansion are different between new and old edition.
5. The second Edition of the dutch version of the travel edition has a printed scoretrack on the backside of the box instead of the bag
6. River II : with & without expansion symbol availlable.
7. The festival: ligher & darker (raritie) prints availlable
8. King & Robber: without expansion symbols availlable
9. Cult: 3 versions availlable (ligher, darker green, with differents exp- symbols & without symbols)
10. River II russian edition: other Exp-symbol
11. Basic game + 2nd Expansion (special edition) white bag instead of the blue one, misprinted tiles......
12a. wheel of fortune limited & signed edition (500 copies)
12b. the wheel of fortune start tile from the bigbox is different.
13. Carcassonne wersja demonstracyina
14.The Adults of Carcassonne (never released by HiG but under the permission & license)
15. Icemeeples (the truth is, that this was never released but it is an official product / HiG)Others:
1. The cropcircles I
were released for the first time in 2009 (2010 IS CORRECT..SORRRY) included in a special edition of the basic game: print color: lighter green. Later in 2010 availlable e.g. @CundCo second print: darker green (like the cult from Spielbox)
2. Russian Promos: First Print in lighter green: Only Bogatyr & Baba Yaga / Second Print in darker green: all 4 promo tiles!
3. Cropcircles II: First print in lighter green (Mini), Second print in darker green (BigBox 4) btw. the complete BigBox is printed in darker green...therefore all Expansion in there were really rarities!
4. Two prints/color changes availlable from the new edition (basic game & Expansion 1,2,3)
Please ask me if you want via Pm if you search for special informations about the spinoffs (e.g. misprints, editiones,etc,....)
Best Regards