So, it has happened.There were 6 participants,i expected many more,but we had a nice time.There were other games tournaments , shops to buy , and games to try.
We play 2 sets of 3 players and the 4 best ranked passed to the final. I won the first game and 2º in the following.
My wife also won a game and was second in the following.
the final was played with the basic game, 4 players.The result was a tie between my wife and I (72 points each).
to decide the tie, the points of the previous games looked,so the entrance to the championship of Spain was for me (
I got more punctuation).
as I was not quite agree with this in the organization,
I suggested to my wife that when we got home, play best of 3 games to decide the tie
(to know the owner of the trophy and the expansion of the catapult that we had made delivery
I win the two games.
we expect to be available to play the championship of Spain (sure the championship there will be more participants).