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Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English

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If you like the numbers, then I would change the post with the "Figuren - figures"

"Figuren - figures"
The next post is with the numbers.
I have changed something more.

Die Figuren - the figures (RGG+CAR) / the pawns (ZMG)

Gefolgsleute - followers
1.0 Gefolgsmann - follower
2.0 Großer Gefolgsmann - big follower (CAR) / large follower (RGG+ZMG)
3.0 Wagen - wagon
4.0 Bürgermeister - mayor
5.0 Phantom - phantom

Sonderfiguren - special figures (RGG+CAR) / special pawns (ZMG)
1.0 Schwein - pig
2.0 Baumeister - builder
3.0 Gutshof - barn

Zählstein - scoring marker (CAR+RGG) / score marker (ZMG)
1.0 Zählfigur (Wertungsfigur) - scoring (counting) figure (CAR)
1.1 Gefolgsmann - follower (CAR) / marker (ZMG)
1.2 Gefolgsfrau - woman follower (CAR) / messenger (ZMG) / follower (RGG)
2.0 Andere Figur auf Wertungstafel / other figure on the scoring board
2.1 Räuber - robber

neutrale Figuren... - neutral figures... (RGG+CAR) / neutral pawns... (ZMG)
1.0 Fee und Drache - fairy and dragon
1.1 Fee - fairy
1.2 Drache - dragon
2.0 Magische Figuren - magical figures (RGG) / magic pawns (ZMG)
2.1 Magier - mage
2.2 Hexe - witch
3.0 zum bauen von... - to build a...
3.1 Brücke - bridge
3.2 Turmteil - tower part (RGG) / tower piece (CAR+RGG) /  tower floor - floor (ZMG)
4.0 auf Spezialgebiete wie Startkarten - at special features like starting tiles
4.1 Lehrer - teacher
4.2 Graf - count
4.3 Schwein (Schicksalsrad) - pig (wheel of fortune)

Material - components (ZMG)
1.0 Fähre - ferry
2.0 Würfel - die
3.0 Goldstück - gold piece (CAR) / gold ingot (ZMG) / gold bars (RGG)

Spezielle Startkarten - special starting tiles

Stadt Carcassonne - City of Carcassonne
1.0 Stadtviertel - city quarter
1.1 Schloss - castle
1.2 Markt - market
1.3 Schmiede - blacksmith
1.4 Kathedrale - cathedral

Schicksalsrad - wheel of fortune
1.0 Kronenfeld - crown space
2.0 Segmente - segments
2.1 Fortuna - fortune
2.2 Steuern - tax
2.3 Hungersnot - famine
2.4 Unwetter - storm
2.5 Inquisition - inquisition
2.6 Pest - plague

Die Schule - the school
1.0 Startkarte - starting tile
2.0 Landschaftskarten Schule - school landscape tiles

Startkarten - starting tiles

Startkarten ohne Figur - starting tiles without any figures
1.0 Startkarte - starting tile
2.0 Windrosen - wind roses

Startkarten mit Figur - starting tiles with figure
1.0 Stadt Carcassonne - City of Carcassonne
2.0 Schicksalsrad - wheel of fortune
3.0 Die Schule - the school

Gefolgsmann - follower

Die verschiedenen Rollen des Gefolgsmannes - The different roles of the follower
1.0 Ritter - knight
2.0 Wegelagerer - thief
3.0 Bauer -  farmer
4.0 Mönch - monk
5.0 Ketzer - heretic
6.0 Gefangener - prisoner
7.0 Flieger - flier (RGG)
7.1 nicht HiG - not HiG


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