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Messages - Matisek

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General / Re: 2025: What should we expect from HiG
« on: February 08, 2025, 06:51:50 AM »
I don't expect the farm to be canceled. They already have a set that they are selling.(Of course, everything can be canceled and sold as something new.)

He is guessing that the token will be something like a castle. where you can put meeple. Personally, I like the farm as a figure. I would hate to lose it

General / Re: 2025: What should we expect from HiG
« on: February 06, 2025, 02:44:20 AM »
Challa wrote (info from Moritz) that this year is supposed to be big. What else would they present from the world of Carcassonne if not the expansions (C3). They would lose profits if they left it only to Essen (which is in Germany. France is like a small Essen for them. You have to think like a seller = money = profit

General / Re: 2025: What should we expect from HiG
« on: February 05, 2025, 10:57:17 PM »
Nothing confirmed on that point.
Not sure if they'll do them all at the same time.

From what I've seen, they'll have exp 1, 2 and 3, and we'll have to find out if there's more released at the same time

I think they will release all of them at once.
Since the 7th expansion is also announced, which I assume they will also introduce. It would be stupid if they somehow divided it
Now 1 2 3 (just the boxes so far - we don't know the contents)
4 5 6 7 (7th  expansion that is announced for this year)
8 9 10 (you think the last three would be torn off)

or they would somehow split it up. It's unlikely.

They will release it as a complete set. (panorama) it will be their jewel this year. Maybe some promotions. If you buy all the expansions you will get something for free or in some promotion. There are many things that can be thought of as sales marketing

Just my opinion.. that's how I would approach it maybe  ^-^

News and Events / Re: Carcassonne in Carcassonne 2025
« on: February 05, 2025, 02:59:38 AM »
Last year my trip didn't work out. I was on a bachelor party (not mine). It was planned a long time ago + not that much vacation left.

This year I have + 5 days of vacation extra so I'm maybe a little glad I wasn't there last year. When this year I should be more of that.
So this year I should travel 95%. If nothing serious comes up.

I'd like to share accommodation with someone. I'd like Friday-Saturday
Saturday-Sunday. If anyone joins, write. We'll find something ideal. Distance/price/close to others

great example and interesting tactic.  :(y)
I can already see that it will be in the quiz (But if it will be updated on the wiki)

 ;D ;D ;D

General / Re: 2025: What should we expect from HiG
« on: January 20, 2025, 04:23:19 AM »
I'm curious to know what they're going to number their new expansion. They went out of their way to number Mists Over Carcassonne as Expansion 11, even though they did not number Wheel of Fortune 16 years ago. Meanwhile, the Expansion 7 slot has been vacant since Carcassonne 2.0.

I think I'd prefer either a complete reimagining of The Catapult, using the same number. Enough time has passed. Alternatively, they could re-release Wheel of Fortune as Expansion 7—they came out around the same time after all—and then make a new Expansion 12.

I think they've already finished creating Big Expansions. And they specifically finished with this expansion Under The Big TOP (10th expansion)

Ghosts is something like a standalone game... I wouldn't count it as the 11th expansion. They gave it the opportunity to be an expansion to the base game, which was a good move. If they didn't, sales would be lower (I'm guessing).

The replacement for the 7th expansion will be something (I'm guessing) new to overshadow the old one. It has to. :(y)
They'll have to score well (attract people) with that expansion in particular. I believe they gave themselves enough time to think up and create something new.

And as a classic. They'll stick to creating mini expansions (lower cost of creation) compared to creating a big expansion (need for a box)

Maybe they'll create something for Ghosts too. But I give that less probability. ???

Once again, I would like to thank @Matisek for his generosity in creating a trophy so gorgeous.

+1 merit from me

Thanks too.
It was a small thing to make. Even though I was moving the trophy in front of me.
If there is interest I can do it this year too. Ideas are coming gradually

I hope that Meepledrone will surprise you with something NEW next year.  ??? ??? :o ;)

I hope that it will be this year :D

Ohhh :o.....yes this is a good point ;D... THIS year :(y)

Just like last year, I had fun this year too. :(y)
You have ( @Meepledrone ) a great imagination to create such situations.   ;) :(y)

Congratulations to the winner on first place. :yellow-meeple: :(y) It must have taken a lot of effort to reach this high.
Of course, everyone who participated is a winner in their own right, even if they don't come in first place.

I hope that Meepledrone will surprise you with something NEW next year.  ??? ??? :o ;)

General / Re: 2025: What should we expect from HiG
« on: January 15, 2025, 12:49:57 AM »
New expansion to replace the catapult. That will be something new in itself. And the C3 set. Maybe they'll keep something for the next few years. And they'll only introduce the C3

it's a nice tutorial. :(y). i haven't read it completely yet.. but great work... you have my credit :(y). anyway i would accept more real situations with tiles.. many people like pictures and they remember it better. Some situation with a short description. meepledron does very good situations in the quiz.. a person analyzes it better when he has a visual idea.

I wanted to express my opinion on this.
It is necessary to add that the quiz questions revolve around official expansions. The author has already made many quizzes and many possible situations. It is not surprising that ideas are running out and it needs to be spiced up with something. I pay tribute to these ideas. The quiz is not something that HIG has under its thumb. So, the author has the right to use in his competition (quiz) what he deems best so as not to harm the contestants. The things he used are things that are available and it is possible to solve them.

I personally prefer fan expansions even in the quiz. It gives the quiz a certain zest. Take note that it is still just a game. Someone wants to entertain us so don't spoil it for them. And, if you mind the question, avoid the answers.

 Let's all go together to the final phase of this legendary quiz.
Gift us and surprise us with something new
Let ´s go SANTA

General / Re: A la recherche de fichiers vus sur le net
« on: November 26, 2024, 03:37:16 AM »
En effet sur le fil de discussion des conversions c’est bien là même extension que sur la photo que j’ai pu posté ! Ce serait donc @Matisek qui aurait pu la produire au vue des images ! Merci en tout cas de tes recherches sur le forum @wolnic cela m’a bien avancé aussi de savoir où cela peut venir !

I'm glad there's interest in the catapult. I'd be happy to share it.

If you are interested, you can download it from my storage (hopefully it won't violate the rules).
Tunnel/Catapult/Action tiles

I personally like that they returned to the rule from version C1. Personally, I always use the abbey during the game. Sometimes it is not a good idea to dry this card in stock. Just for that case at the end that you don't want to place but you have to

Official Rules / Re: Over Hill and Dale: Stables Scoring
« on: November 03, 2024, 11:28:22 PM »
I know it so that 9 cards are counted.. Regardless of whether some part of the road or city interrupts it.
Farm 1 for me

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