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New general rule for The Wells
We are trying in Fan Expansions complete rules section on WikiCarpedia ( to made all covered expansion compatible and playable with other expansion and covered fan expansion with explain all possible interactions.
So I found issue with The Wells.
If there is road with Inn then well get double score.
If there is road with Stable (from fan expansion Roads to Vistory) then well get double score.
So it has sense for me (and as we spoke on Discord also with @Snearone and @Meepledrone ), it has like coat of arms (pennant) of road.
So if some expansion increase value of each tile of feature (here the road), then it's increased also value of each well on road.
So my question is:
Made this as "general rules" which can be used for other expansion which were not released in time when original expansion The Wells was released, or was unknown for author of fan-expansion?
If yes, then for German Cathedrals, road leading to German Cathedrar has to increase also value of each well on that road.
What do you think @meepleater (this is autor of original The Wells expansion -
and @wolnic (author of Wells 2)?
--- Quote from: Bumsakalaka on February 11, 2024, 03:40:07 AM ---So my question is:
Made this as "general rules" which can be used for other expansion which were not released in time when original expansion The Wells was released, or was unknown for author of fan-expansion?
If yes, then for German Cathedrals, road leading to German Cathedrar has to increase also value of each well on that road.
What do you think @meepleater (this is autor of original The Wells expansion -
and @wolnic (author of Wells 2)?
--- End quote ---
I’m not sure I understand the phrasing of the question, but my intention was for wells to function the same way as pennants in cities do, so a feature that would increase the value of a pennant in a city would also increase the value of a well on a road.
I’m not sure I can speak for all fan expansions since I’m not familiar with them all, I think it would come down to whatever makes the most logical sense in a given case.
--- Quote from: meepleater on February 12, 2024, 07:26:00 PM ---
--- Quote from: Bumsakalaka on February 11, 2024, 03:40:07 AM ---So my question is:
Made this as "general rules" which can be used for other expansion which were not released in time when original expansion The Wells was released, or was unknown for author of fan-expansion?
If yes, then for German Cathedrals, road leading to German Cathedrar has to increase also value of each well on that road.
What do you think @meepleater (this is autor of original The Wells expansion -
and @wolnic (author of Wells 2)?
--- End quote ---
I’m not sure I understand the phrasing of the question, but my intention was for wells to function the same way as pennants in cities do, so a feature that would increase the value of a pennant in a city would also increase the value of a well on a road.
I’m not sure I can speak for all fan expansions since I’m not familiar with them all, I think it would come down to whatever makes the most logical sense in a given case.
--- End quote ---
Thanks @meepleater for quick response.
So just for confirmation.
German Cathedrals grant double points for each tile like Inns.
Well on road connected to German Cathedral will score 2, wouldn't?
Yes that’s correct.
@meepleater what do you think about this General rule:
When any feature doubles, triples, or has any other multiplier for each tile of the road, the same effect occurs with the value of the well.
This solution if fine, because it excludes Mage expansion from this definition, because Mage works only with tiles and not with coat of arms (pennants).
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