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The Coast
I was just introduced to the fan-expansion “The Coast” on the board game geek forum. This is the link to the PDF for the rules and tiles:;sa=downfile&id=309
And this is a quick pic of the 30 expansion tiles:
But I do have a couple of questions on some of the road tiles in this expansion. Three of the roads terminate normally on the coastline:
But one of the roads actually runs into the Ocean:
So question 1: does the road actually terminate at this point so that the road can be scored when the other end is terminated? Or do you have to wait until the end of the game to score the road? And, if you do have to wait, would an Inn on that road force it to be worth zero at the end of the game?
The second road questions deals with the two city tiles that have a short road leading to the edge of the Ocean. If you are playing with Phantoms, or if someone already owns the city, when you place these tiles, can you place a meeple on that road and score an instant one point?
This is a very interesting fan-expansion. Our group will be talking about it during our next weekend game. If we decide to give it a try we will have to order more blank tiles. And, we will have to make up our own rules on how the River and Ocean tiles will be played when we are using one of our Center Scoreboards.
Hi PapaGeek,
Thanks for your interest in this expansion.
The road running into the ocean (or to the beach) is a road end as normal, and stops the field getting round it. I suppose I could have put a jetty/pier there. It is scored and completed as normal, so an inn along its length would score double, or none if still incomplete at game end.
As to the first three tiles, the field is split by the cottage and road on the third tile, but the field goes around the cottage on the middle tile, and the field goes around the village on the first tile. I should probably have made that more obvious with that village tile.
Regarding the tiles with two city edges and the short road. I hadn't intended that that section of road would be scored in normal play, as it is already "complete". Remember that there is a CRCR tile in Inns and Cathedrals that has a crossroads at its centre and you cannot place a meeple on the short road sections between the crossroads and the city gates on those tiles.
As my games are usually two-player, we generally place the river mouth close to one side of the table and mix the river tiles and some coast tiles together for the first stage of play. Lately, it has been 8 or 10 of the straight coast sections, and 3/4 of the "bay" corner ones. Once two of the "bay" tiles have been drawn and placed, the other coast tiles are ignored. Feel free to use the coast tiles in any way you like, either as a large lake, several small lakes connected by sections of river, as a simple coastline or river estuary. For a large lake, I would suggest placing some open water tiles first in any layout, such as an L-shape, T-shape, or similar (you might want to print more of them) and then create the coastline around them - players can place the drawn tiles anywhere against the water tiles (including the corners), to create a complete lake.
For your central scoreboard, build the river out from it and mix the river mouth tile with the other river tiles. When it is drawn, you could then layout a large lake, and if you wanted to include other river mouth tiles, then that gives you the option of other sections of river. Unless you are using The Coast at the edge of the table, I'd recommend creating a closed lake area so you don't have a large area of the table that is unusable.
If you want to leave out some of the "empty" coast tiles (that's the ones with just grass and sea - no roads, cities, etc), that's also fine with me - we do!
You might also be interested in my "Catch Of The Day" expansion which adds trade tokens to some of these tiles, Sailing The Seas and Masters of the Ocean, which are all available from the Downloads section (see under Ocean and The Coast sub categories). There are also various threads discussing these expansions.
--- Quote from: wolnic on May 22, 2023, 01:05:44 PM ---For your central scoreboard, build the river out from it and mix the river mouth tile with the other river tiles. When it is drawn, you could then layout a large lake, and if you wanted to include other river mouth tiles, then that gives you the option of other sections of river. Unless you are using The Coast at the edge of the table, I'd recommend creating a closed lake area so you don't have a large area of the table that is unusable.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the reply, our group has a lot of talking and planning to do for this expansion. One of the things I like about these tile, combined with our Center Scoreboards with 4 rivers, is that the Ocean has three tiles that could end a river:
Interesting. Please describe here tour test games. We have in our plan to create page for both expansions (coast and centered score board) on WiCa in Fan Expansion section in near future.
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This is our initial thoughts after only 3 days!
Our Carcassonne group only learned about the Coast expansion 3 days ago on May 20 from Booch on our Board Game Geek fan-expansion thread, so we are just now starting to talk about the possibility of including the Coast in our weekly four player games.
We just used 24 blank tiles for the City Gates expansion and 15 more for the Water Wells. We only have 9 blank tiles left, so we will have to order more blank tiles so we can create the 30 Coast tiles.
I’m planning to just print the new tiles on plain paper so we can start the process of talking about how to implement the 4 river center scoreboard with the River tiles and the Coast tiles.
Basic thoughts after just 3 days seems to indicate that placing the Coast immediately adjacent to the scoreboard is a bad idea. My first initial thought would be to use the 3 River Scoreboard, join the River I and River II tiles together and remove the 5 springs and lakes and the river fork. Play the remaining 18 river tiles first, then play the three Coast river tiles before playing the remaining 27 Coast tiles.
Here is a re-ordered display of the Ocean tiles:
15 tiles are straight coastline, one with a river.
5 tiles have the water on 3 sides
9 tiles have the water in only 1 corner, 2 of them also have a river
And there is 1 tiles that is totally water on all four side
We want our Ocean borders to face away from the Scoreboard, and there are only 5 tiles that turn that way!
But there are 15 tiles that basically turn away from the scoreboard that could combine with other tiles to create what would basically be a lake!
Since we will be in charge of printing the Ocean tiles, we will probably eliminate some of the inward facing tiles and replace them with additional copies of the outward facing tiles.
PS: Is this the reason that the standard Ocean tiles include a solid blue tile?
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