And where exactly has to be the Catapult?
I cannot give a precise location for the Catapult, since I don't know your table.
answer from HiG:I cannot give a precise location for the Catapult, since I don't know your table.
Using this topic since already exists instead of starting a new one. I have of course some questions about the Catapult rules. 1. What happens if during a Knock out round, a tower get knocked down? I understand this is how it works: is it correct?if the tower was empty, it just gets rebuilt as it was before the attackif there was a meeple on it, but the token doesn't touch it and the meeple itself does not touch any other meeple while falling, everything must be reverted as it was before the attackif there was a meeple on it, and the token touches it and/or the meeple itself touches other meeples while falling, those meeple(s) get(s) removed
2. Question: "Can the wagon “drive by” a fair, or rather does a fair split a road at all?" Answer: "The fair is a “feature,” so the wagon cannot pass through it." I don't understand what this means, can someone explain to me? Thanks and sorry
3. Just out of curiosity, how many of you exclude the Catch token while playing this expansion?
4. Was Klaus-Jürgen Wrede drunk while developing this extension?
5. Catch round: can the catcher use two hands or do they have to use only one? I think they should use only one.
I understand each player, during its turn, can place the catapult wherever he wants on the table / the playing area. Is that correct?
The rules don't specify that the catapult should be placer on the table. This means we can use it by keeping it in hands, or even with only a side of it touching the table to get some angle before shooting?
The rules don't specify that the token should be placed at the top of the catapult, even if it's the most obvious way to place it. Can we place it lower on the catapult?
Any figures or tokens moved or knocked over by the token should be returned to their original position before proceeding with this action.
Started by Whaleyland
Started by jungleboy
Started by egamar
Started by Gabrielgeek01