High-Resolution Version)
I’ve been playing with this mix of tiles and I think it gives a very balanced game. I thought it might be fun just to see the tiles sorted by edge combinations, so here it is. The 176 tiles + start tile is in line with
@Christopher’s 2016 definition of a “normal large game”. We often play with a timer, taking 2 more turns when time is up, rather than going through the whole tower (which these tiles nicely fill). Because of the large number of tiles and inclusion of at least 2 of all edge types, it is a bit as if the tiles are drawn from an infinite supply with some statistical distribution, so counting is pretty unimportant, which is good for our group. Anyway, here is the list of tiles:
- Wheel of Fortune Base (72)
- Exp#1 I&C (18)
- Exp#2 T&B (24)
- Exp#3 P&D (30)
- Flying Machines (8 )
- Hills (9)
- Wind Roses (5+1 Start Tile)
- King & Scout (5)
- Belagerer (5)
I originally had Das Fest (10) and Games Quarterly (10) in place of Flying Machines and Hills, bringing the total to 179. But if you look at the tile mix, DF & GQ are both VERY heavy on roads ending in cities and distinct edge combinations (for example, those two include 3 additional CRCR tiles). Flying Machines & Hills are really great for restoring the balance, so DF & GQ went into my “small game” box with the base game and some other minis.
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