The monasteries: (free translation)Trappist Abbey of Westmalle (Westmalle, Belgium)LeftupThis abbey belongs to the order of Cisterciënzers, which was founded in the 11th century.This order simply and conveniently called 'Trappist', after the Normandian abbey La trappe. They still are very know because of their beer.The Abbey of Averbode (Averbode, Belgium)RightunderThis abbey belongs to the order of Prémontré, which was founded in 1121 in North-France Prémontré.Referring to that place the members of the order are called 'permonstratenzers'.Saint-Trudoabbey Brugge (Brugge, Belgium)LeftunderThe Saint-Trudoabbey is a cloister of the Regular Kanunnikessen of the Holy Grave, which is located since 1954 in the castle of Male to Male, Saint-Kruis Brugge. Cloister Huissen (Huissen, Netherlands)RightupCloister Heilig Hart (Steyl, Nederland) (Holy Heart)RightmidAbbey Onze Lieve Vrouw van Nazareth (Brecht, Belgium) (Our Dear Lady of Nazareth)Leftmid
IF those are the dutch cloisters and IF there are enough people who want them i can order and send them to whereever they are need.. Shipping costs and expansion costs ofc for yourself;)
Started by Carc37
Started by obervet
Started by Murphy013
Started by Rosco
Started by jungleboy