...I'm going to add those as footnotes to the new CAR. With all of these incorrect translations, half of the CAR might be footnotes about translation problems...
Perhaps you need a "new" symbol for a wrong translation...not the world, not the arrows. not the book... perhaps the hand with the thumb down is a good icon?
That might be a good idea. Of course, I suspect a lot of the arrows in the CAR would become thumbs down, because I think a lot of the variations have come from bad translations.
perhaps we should discuss this thumb down idea in the forum?Sometimes it is nice to "hear" the others...
It would be fine to discuss in the forums. I forgot to mention it before, but in the CAR I will also color the footnote in pink to mark a major difference (like some of the Fairy rules).
the pink footnotes some examples:fairy: CAR v6.4 pages 47-48dragon: CAR v6.4 page 50
Oh dear. I just realized I have had the RGG/ZMG rules embedded in my head.
In the German rule is it clear that one of the mage figures has to move to another feature, because in the rules explain that it is not allowed that both figures stand on the same feature...
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