Hey All, Just hoping for a little help from you Carcassonne Geniuses. Always really, really wanted the Carcassone Winter edition and as there seemed to be only 3 copies left I went and ordered it from Amazon at the bellow link. Just had a couple of questions if anyone cares to help:1. This does appear to be a legit copy of the game right? Recently purchased a fake and don't want to repeat that again.
2. This is the Muller edition right?
3. Does this seem like a good deal? It's $70 Australian, which is a little expensive, but it was just a German exclusive right? And not likely to get any better offers on this side of the world am I?
4. Don't suppose there's anywhere reasonable to get Corn Cirles, is there?
If anyone thinks i've made a bad decision and thinks I should cancel it, i'd really appreciate the help. Cheers! :-D(https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B0BCD4FTVS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
And witt the right fan expansions you may play a Winter + Summer Carcassonne game...
Started by Carcatronn
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