Author Topic: Barns and The Gifts - Changing Position  (Read 1596 times)

Offline SailingMeeple

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Barns and The Gifts - Changing Position
« on: October 27, 2023, 10:17:01 AM »

So, last week I've managed to play a game of Carcassonne with some friends and we played with both the barns and the gifts for the first time. We ran into the following issue:

If there is a barn in a field, it may not be occupied by a farmer. ("A field occupied by a barn may NOT be occupied by farmers.") So that means you can't put a farmer into a field where there's already a barn, right?

In The Gifts, there's the card for 'Changing Position' (or 'Change on the Lie') where you can change the position of the meeple to lying down in the field.
However, if it's not allowed to place a farmer in a field with a barn already present, doesn't that also mean you can't use this Gift-card to change the position of the meeple into a farmer in that field?

Am I correct in this reasoning or are you allowed to place a meeple into a field where there's already a barn, and it just means you score for the farmer right away and get your meeple back after scoring for the field?

Hope this makes sense!  :o ;)


Offline Meepledrone

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Re: Barns and The Gifts - Changing Position
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2023, 12:29:19 PM »
Of course, this interaction is not covered in the rules of the mini.  8)

However, we could use what we know about The Count of Carcassonne (Exp. 6) as a precedent. A clarification for this expansion states the following:

If a barn placement or field connection triggers a field scoring, you may move meeples from the market in the city of Carcassonne to that field. Score that field as normal, and return all farmers in that field to their respective supplies. (It doesn't matter that the barn is certain to score at the end of the game.)

A similar scenario could be triggered as well during final scoring, when deploying meeples from the city of Carcassonne to fields with a barn.

You can move meeples from the market district to a field with a barn (and score it) if a field scoring is triggered. This can happen in the following cases:
* Placing a barn with farmer scoring: each completed city is worth 3 points
* Connecting a barn-less field to one with a barn: each completed city is worth 1 point
* At the end of the game, when preparing for final scoring: each completed city is worth 1 point (it is considered a special case of connecting fields)

Therefore, it would be possible to use the Change Position gift to deploy a meeple to a field with a barn during the game. In this case, this deployment would trigger the scoring of the field accodingly (the scenario would be similar to adding a farmer to a field with a barn by connecting fields).

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2023, 04:58:00 PM by Meepledrone »
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Offline SailingMeeple

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Re: Barns and The Gifts - Changing Position
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2023, 01:25:18 PM »
Thanks, Meepledrone!

We also only played the City of Carcassonne once and that was back when we didn't use farmers yet. Good to know there's a precedent for this scenario.

It definitely helps. Thanks for the explanation!  :yellow-meeple:

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