For everyone's reading pleasure, here are the English rules for Zamek and Sokol:Zamek (aka Carcassonne: the Castle)Sokol (aka Falcon expansion)Some of the landscape features and followers have been renamed, but gameplay is the same.
For everyone's reading pleasure, here are the English rules for Zamek and Sokol:Zamek (aka Carcassonne: the Castle)Sokol (aka Falcon expansion)
In case anyone needs to coordinate something on PL side, just give me a shout.
The Expansion for the Polish edition of Carcassonne: The Falcon will be available in April!!
In the first block that includes the library card descriptions, at the top."Buy the game here" or "Tu kupisz grę"
Started by Whaleyland
Started by jungleboy
Started by kettlefish
Started by danisthirty
Started by chris6507