Hi,just wanted to share the good news:Like many of us, I had a problem during the advent sale with postage calculation on the CundCo website. I wrote to CundCo on Nov 29th and got back an answer yesterday afternoon as well as the refund of the too much paid amount. Background: My order could have been shipped as normal letter but was calculated AND shipped as parcel. So, in fact, they shipped according to the cost but I still got refunded because they acknowledged there was definitely a problem with their webside.I don't want to re-start a discussion here, this is just an information.
They've also placed the following message on their website:Attention: Due to internal changes, there might be issues with the frontend (your site), as well as with the backend (our operational site). At the moment, we can`t tell until this is solved, so if your order is not pressing, please try again in about 2 weeks (mid February). Placed orders should not be affected. As soon as we are back to normal, we will delete this message. Sorry and thanks for your understanding, your Carcassonne-Team
Started by kothmann
Started by aenima
Started by DIN0
Started by AlbinoAsian
Started by DaFees