My question is in interpretating the instructions for message 8 in The Messengers mini expansion, specifically when multiple of my own meeples are in a feature. Ive looked in many forums and have not seen my question anywhere else, hoping someone has seen or discussed this problem elsewhere or can offer advice. The rulebook reads for message 8:
-"Choose a feature with one of your meeples on it, and score it as you would during final scoring. However, even if other players have control of the feature, only you score points, though you may choose not to. Then, return your meeple that was on that feature to your supply."
In our game last night the question arose of what to do in the case of having multiple meeple in one feature? We were playing with crop circles and flying machines so there was an increase in the number of features that had multiple meeples in it. Here is a scenario to help ilustrate our question:
I have three meeple in an incomplete city. An opponent has two of their own meeple in the same city. I draw the message 8 tile. By "scoring the feature as I would during final scoring" does that mean i return all 3 of my meeple and abandon the city to my opponent, even though that would seemingly be in contradiction to the wording of the tiles title which says "score *A* meeple and return it to your supply." The distinction being between "score a meeple" versus "score a feature." Taking multiple meeple back in the same move as getting points is very advantageous to the player who drew the tile to the point of being over powered, possibly more so than the other messages (except maybe the bonus turn message).
Alternatively, do I score points for the city and, by removing only one meeple, then become tied with my opponent for control of the city (or if I had 4 and he had 2, keep control)? This interpretation seems unbalanced as it allows a lot of reward for not much loss (depending on the scenario) but it seems to follow the instructions more closely.
In our game last night one player had two meeple on one road (incomplete of course) without competition. We wondered if that player should take both meeple back and leave the road able to be claimed again in another turn by a player, OR if the player would take one meeple and points because of the message and then points later in final scoring for still owning the road.
We wound up opting for the player to take the alternate message score of 2 points and setting that message aside to preserve fair play until we could research the rules.
I appreciate any of your thoughts, expertise, or reference suggestions. This situation really stumped our group as we'd never played messengers before.