Author Topic: [WTB] Tower / Hills&Sheep / School / Little Buildings / Purple + Pink Meeple Set  (Read 4723 times)

Offline blaice

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Hi guys,

Looking for the above in the Matthäus style. This timeless game has become an exhilarating obsession of late! I'm also from Australia so I hope that does not put any prospective sellers off. I'm willing to be absolutely scalped for shipping as we're used to getting overcharged down here... I'm also new to this forum, so let me know if I should be splitting these WTBs into separate posts or if I should be using more emojis to emphasise how excited I am etc.



Offline Sinscerly

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Hi guys,

Looking for the above in the Matthäus style. This timeless game has become an exhilarating obsession of late! I'm also from Australia so I hope that does not put any prospective sellers off. I'm willing to be absolutely scalped for shipping as we're used to getting overcharged down here... I'm also new to this forum, so let me know if I should be splitting these WTBs into separate posts or if I should be using more emojis to emphasise how excited I am etc.


Hi I dont know if ships to Australia but you can order still School and Meeple sets over there.
or maybe someone can reship it to your place.
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Offline InTheDark

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Hi guys,

Looking for the above in the Matthäus style. This timeless game has become an exhilarating obsession of late! I'm also from Australia so I hope that does not put any prospective sellers off. I'm willing to be absolutely scalped for shipping as we're used to getting overcharged down here... I'm also new to this forum, so let me know if I should be splitting these WTBs into separate posts or if I should be using more emojis to emphasise how excited I am etc.


Hi, I don't know if ships to Australia but you can order still School and Meeple sets over there.
or maybe someone can reship it to your place.
I'm from Australia and I can confirm that Cundco ships here but it is quite expensive for non-letter items and the time it takes to arrive is upwards of two weeks.
I hope this helps :)
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Offline blaice

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Thanks guys. Yeah I had checked Cundco earlier but was unaware of their "spare parts" setup. I understand a lot of owners had been screwing the courtesy system by ordering entire expansions under "spare parts." I'm just looking for additional colour sets for meeples so I think that should be fine (except for the Abbots, which is currently a problem to source more than 1 or 2; especially grey).

I think I might have to get BB5 for Hills and Sheep... comes with "River III," so I guess that makes it worthwhile.

Offline Just a Bill

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Perhaps you already saw this, but you don't need to mess with the spare parts service; check out this item under "Accessories":

These are pre-bagged complete figure sets (minus Ringmaster) in Pink, Purple, Brown, White, and Orange. You actually do get the Abbot (and the Shepherd) even though they aren't shown in the photos. I've ordered all five colors, so I can verify these contents.
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Offline blaice

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You actually do get the Abbot (and the Shepherd) even though they aren't shown in the photos. I've ordered all five colors, so I can verify these contents.

Thanks mate, I saw these in "accessory" but since they were missing some parts I dodged it. Ended up drafting a complete inventory request via the "spare parts" portal requesting full sets (except phantom/count I think) for PURPLE, WHITE, and ORANGE and tried my luck on the Abbot part in grey. Was 55 pieces in total (18*3 colours + 1*grey abbot) - the "18" count included the abbot otherwise it would have been 17 per colour. Anyway shortage on grey Abbots is still a thing so I was only able to get Abbots in purple, white, and orange. I think it might be more of a case of them holding onto the grey abbots due to it being a New Edition expansion.

Can anyone confirm any success with greys/abbots from Cundco?

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