Author Topic: Messenger - Score a follower and remove it from the board - 2 farmers  (Read 4093 times)

Offline Allan in Brisbane

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From CAR pg.161

Description of the Messenger - Score a followed and remove it from the board.
Score a follower and remove it from the board: The player chooses one of his or her followers in play. If the player has the majority in the feature where the selected follower stands, he or she scores that feature (only for himself or herself) as if it were the end of the game. The player then puts the chosen follower back in his or her supply.

There are two players.
Through the course of the game my opponent - my lovely wife - ends up with two farmers (not big man, but two "small?" men) on the same farm. I am not on the farm.
My opponent gets the Message - score a follower and remove it from the board.
It is a big farm - 10 cities and she has her pig on it - 40 points.
So naturally a discussion unfolds as to the outcome.
This is what we decided in following rules.

The player chooses one of his or her followers in play.

Wife chooses one farmer

If the player has the majority in the feature where the selected follower stands, he or she scores that feature (only for himself or herself) as if it were the end of the game.

Wife has majority so scoring takes place ... end of game means pig is included ... so 40 points

The player then puts the chosen follower back in his or her supply.

Wife puts chosen follower (singular) back into supply along with pig.

The outcome was that the wife still has a farmer on the farm to score again later.


We had a pretty lengthy game so went through the messengers 4 times.
In the second round of messengers the wife pulled the same message ... by this time she had gotten the pig back on and added a city. The shape of the farm was such that it was impossible to join onto.
So 44 points.
The farm is now free, but I can't get the right tile, so wife reclaims the same farm.

In the third round of messengers SHE GOT THE TILE AGAIN. No pig this time ... but 11 cities ... 33 points.
Thankfully, after 5 rounds of tile pulling, I could get onto the farm.

In the fourth round of messengers ... YES SHE GOT THE TILE AGAIN.
She had an enclosed 5 city farm with one farmer so pulled the follower from there ... 15 points.

That one message tile gave my opponent 77 extra points in the game.
Yes she won.
But only just!

A good game was enjoyed by all!


Offline MrNumbers

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Re: Messenger - Score a follower and remove it from the board - 2 farmers
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2017, 10:58:20 PM »
In my opinion, everything was correct, except removing the pig after the first message. Pig is not connected with specific follower, so it must be removed only if last follower of this farm is removed.
"I never lose. Either I win or I learn." (Nelson Mandela)

Offline Allan in Brisbane

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Re: Messenger - Score a follower and remove it from the board - 2 farmers
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2017, 02:06:49 PM »
Thanks MrNumbers :(y)
Have a good day

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