Author Topic: Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers V2 Tiles  (Read 5076 times)

Offline Danci

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Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers V2 Tiles
« on: January 04, 2017, 09:47:56 PM »
I'm back with more questions about matching tiles (or not)- this time about the Zman V2 Hunters and Gatherers Carcassonne game. Over the holidays I considered buying this, but got quite confused with wondering if I should buy the old or new edition. (Was having a similar problem with the basic game as well- see what happened in my previous post  :(  All I could find out at the time was that the box art was different, but no one was definitive about the tiles. I also noticed that the one mini expansion "Scout" wasn't included- but I wanted it! I was upset they didn't include it in the V2- now I was back to trying to figure out if the Scout tiles would match the H&G V2 or not! Does anyone know more about this... V1 vs V2 tiles? It's a confusing time to be joining the Carcassonne World with all these options. :-\ Glad CC is here to help!  :green-meeple:


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Re: Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers V2 Tiles
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2017, 10:01:33 PM »
Luckily, in this case, V1 and V2 have the same tile art. I bought V2 not long ago as I decided to finally put the Scout tiles which had been lying around to good use.

Even better is the fact that, compared to regular carcassonne, there is no significant colour difference between the base and expansion tiles! Hooray!  :))

So to answer your question, its probably easier and cheaper to buy V2, and it makes no difference since the only change between them is the box art.

And thanks for reminding me - I need to give this game another play

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Re: Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers V2 Tiles
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2017, 08:12:53 AM »
Thanks for clarifying! And let me know what you think of Hunters and Gatherers with Scout! Looks like a game version I would quite enjoy. Is there a difference in the V1 vs V2 directions for scoring... Just thinking back to something I read. I am considering getting the older version as I'm upset that Z Man didn't put Scout in new edition! (Nor was the gingerbread man in my Z Man Winter Edition) and my new V2 Z Man expansions were in the wrong color! Definitely not doing much for consumer confidence.  :'(  I'm thinking of trying the classic V1 tiles now. And I do think the new art work on the boxes is a bit sexist... (i.e. Some comments about the princess looking more "princessy" and her looking coyishly out of the corner of her eyes, etc.)  Why not update the meeples too as I do not think they "meeply" enough!

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Re: Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers V2 Tiles
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2017, 08:30:38 PM »
Thanks for clarifying! And let me know what you think of Hunters and Gatherers with Scout! Looks like a game version I would quite enjoy.

I do usually like playing with it - it adds another nice element to the game, but sometimes the tile effects can be a bit unbalanced and can potentially skew the game in one person's favour right from the start. The 'Scout' tile in particular is incredibly powerful if one player draws it.

Is there a difference in the V1 vs V2 directions for scoring... Just thinking back to something I read.

Not that I am aware of - I am fairly sure everything is exactly the same.

I am considering getting the older version as I'm upset that Z Man didn't put Scout in new edition! (Nor was the gingerbread man in my Z Man Winter Edition) and my new V2 Z Man expansions were in the wrong color! Definitely not doing much for consumer confidence.

To be fair, RGG (V1) didn't put the Scout in the old edition either, and their tile colour matching was just as bad, if not worse, than the Z-Man V2 editions.

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