I'm playing with a couple of friends. When we first started playing online a few weeks ago everything was pretty good. But the past week I'd say 1/3 of our games have ended up with "Session is corrupted". Players frequently do not receive notification it is their turn and must exit out of the game and re-enter before they can move. In one game one of my opponents was not receiving their bonus pieces for the builder. All three of us have experienced the glitches, so I don't think it's device specific.
I otherwise love the app (and the game naturally) but being 3/4 of the way through a tense game and being unable to finish, or having to constantly message the other person to let them know it's their turn kind of ruins it. Is it just us? Any workarounds or fixes?
Bonus question: Am I right in concluding there is no way to play "Quick" games with random opponents with any of the expansions?
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=2704.0