Finally got a chance to play a bit with the wife. Here's what we used:
-Base game
-The Tower (using Non-Capture Variant rules)
-Base tiles from T&B and A&M
We usually start with River 2, but skipped it for the sake of brevity.
She won with 179 vs my 157. She scored a large field at the game-end with over 10 cities AND 10 Tower Points in addition.
I was busy testing Tower mechanics and neglected the field entirely, which always bites you in the end.
My wife was initially disoriented by the Tower NCV rules, but picked them up rather quickly. We both enjoyed the play mechanics this game. I received around 15 tower points over the course of the game, she received around 20.
My wife had a great idea to allow the owner of a tower to score 1 point for each tower segment in the tower when an opponent scores a feature including the tower's tile. I'm brainstorming now, but I like the extra dimension this adds and may include it as a standard rule.
We both used RM, and the majority of the time it was to 'redraw' a tile when the initial one drawn wasn't what we wanted. She used this very effectively with the builder to get several great placements in a row. I bought two extra turns over the course of the game and used my builder as well, which felt good.
I'll keep everyone posted and post pictures soon.