In a few days, we're going with a new Carcassonne & co online shop launched! A new system, better navigation, everything seems fresh and contemporary. And finally there will be an English-language version.
We like to refresh the product descriptions for all of our products. Some descriptions of the mini expensions are thin or aren't saying anything important. And who could be better to bring the benefits of the various mini expensions to the point as the Carcassonne fan community?If you like to help us with a small descriptions for each mini expansion that would be great. If you feel like so, then could you formulate 2-3 sentences for each mini expension about describing what makes the mini expension? It conveys only a first impression... We would be happy, if you could support us there!
the native English speaking moderators - please help with the correct wording - kettlefishCundCo - Mini-Erweiterungen (Mini-Expansions) - we need the help especially for the Carcassonne mini-expansions.
Are the 2012 mini-expansions also being described? If so, I have the following as a quick test of the water to see what kind of description they're after...Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a flying meeple! Now your meeples can take to the skies and land you some points by flying onto any incomplete feature (even if it's occupied). Place the tile to plan your flight path and roll the dice to see where you land. Nothing is safe from the fliers so keep an eye on the sky and build your features carefully... or
Dan you seem to be annoying a lot of your opponents with these expansions. Just like you annoy me when we play.Just kidding, cool descriptions
Just like you annoy me when we play.
Less glad that I don’t annoy you whenever we play as this is always my number 1 priority! Now I feel like such a failure...
Started by Chooselife
Started by Meepledrone
Started by kettlefish