English rule:
After placing an Islander on their newly placed landscape tile, players MUST then retreive an Islander from the playing field. It may be the Islander just placed or a different one. These actions must be executed in this order
I think this translation is not correct. The German rule is different.
German rule:
Die Spieler dürfen in ihrem Zug zuerst einen Insulaner auf die gelegte Karte einsetzten, als auch anschließend einen Insulaner wieder vom Spielfeld zurücknehmen. Es muss in dieser Reihenfolge ausgeführt werden
During the players turn - the players may place an Islander on the just placed tile and then they even may retrieve an Islander from the playing area and place it back in their supply. These actions must be executed in this order.
Turn order - by ZMG - Sea tile = landscape tile:
1. The player must draw 1 Sea tile and place it according to the Sea tile placement rules.
2a. The player may place 1 Islander from their supply on the tile they just placed
2b. The player may retrieve 1 Islander from a Sea tile and place it back in their supply.
The HiG German rules say:
2b. The player may retrieve 1 Islander from the playing area and place it back in their supply.
turn order for the
Friday expansion:
1. The player must draw 1 Sea tile and place it according to the Sea tile placement rules.
2a. The player may place 1 Islander from their supply on the tile they just placed
and then2b. The player may retrieve 1 Islander from a Sea tile and place it back in their supply.
I used "playing area" = playing field = playing map
Hi aenima, I hope that helps you with the translation into Italy for the Italy version of the CAR.