Hi guys, i did some comparison with the WOF and base tiles from BB5 with the base game and the standalone WOF expansion
http://postimg.cc/image/i8qayoiif/the above image is the distribution sheet of the original base game compared with the BB5 distribution sheet.
when all tiles of a kind are present, they are striked off with a black line.
As you can see, all tiles from the original base game are present in the BB5.
16 of the original base game tiles have numbers on them in the BB5.
to do a cross-checking, i did a vertical stroke on the tiles that are present in the original base game and the BB5 below. The below two images are the tile distribution of the BB5 (without the other expansions). Do note that the tiles in the first image below do not contain a watermark while the tiles in the second image do
http://postimg.cc/image/tp14hz681/An orange vertical stroke on a tile means a
non-numbered tile that is
present in both the BB5 and the original base game. There should be a total of
while, a blue vertical stroke on a tiles represents a
numbered tile that is
present in both the BB5 and the original base game. There should be a total of
In total there should be 72 orange and blue vertical strokes, matching the number of tiles in the base game.
http://postimg.cc/image/hcy84hidd/1st-level Conclusion: No original base game tile is missing from the BB5
Next, i compared the
numbered tiles in the standalone WOF expansion with the BB5.
A red horizontal stroke on a tile represents a
numbered tile that is
present in both the BB5 and the standalone WOF.
It turns out,
all 19 numbered tiles from the standalone WOF are
present in the BB5.
Then i compared the
non-numbered tiles in the standalone WOF expansion with the BB5.
A white triangle on a tile represents a
non-numbered tile that is
present in both BB5 and the standalone WOF.
It turns out, all remaining 53
non-numbered tiles from the standalone WOF are
present in the BB5.
In total there should be a total of
72 white triangles and red vertical strokes matching the number of tiles in the standalone WOF.
2nd-level conclusion. The BB5 contains every single tile from the standalone WOF.As it turns out, one tile is present in the BB5 and not in both the original base game and the original standalone WOF.
This tile is indicated by a Pink box.
3rd-Level conclusion. The BB5 contains an extra tile. However, this tile is not unique and have duplicates that already in the standalone WOF.
4th- Level conclusion The extra tile is a duplicated tile from the standalone WOF in the BB5
This tile have collector's value i guess?
Also, something good to know is, that The BB5 (BB5's base game + BB5's WOF) contains all standalone WOF tiles and 11 + 1 more tile than the standalone WOF
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