The beard of the man of has no mustache hair. Does the man have a shaver?
oooohhh c'mon!!! now that I buy the old one?!?
It's a great game that deserves to be played by more people so this is definitely a good thing in my opinion! I do wonder if they will release The Scout with it though, otherwise the artwork won't match between the different styles (presumably)?
Quote from: danisthirty on February 17, 2015, 02:03:19 AMIt's a great game that deserves to be played by more people so this is definitely a good thing in my opinion! I do wonder if they will release The Scout with it though, otherwise the artwork won't match between the different styles (presumably)?[beating a dead horse]But if the backs of the tiles match, it's OK! [/beating a dead horse]
I find it interesting that Zman has responded to almost all other posters on the Facebook page, but not me, who asked about The Scout.
It also begs the question: when they finally reprint The Castle, will it include The Falcon expansion as has been long desired?
I find it interesting that Zman has responded to almost all other posters on the Facebook page, but not me, who asked about The Scout. I find that suspicious. Are they just scorning me or are they waiting to announce its inclusion for a more formal press release?
I thought the idea of The Falcon belonged to RGG and so would never be released?
You could inform the manager of the reprint though. That might "slightly" adjust the price again.
A week ago I spotted Hunters and Gatherers in one of our web-shops that uses direct delivery from other countries, for 25 EUR. Of course, I immediately ordered one! In couple of hours I had a response from manager: the game is available, but the price has changed, the final price is 133 EUR.I am Carcassonne fan, but not THAT fan Now I will definitely wait for this Z-man release.
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