This is photo of part of our game last night.
If you can't see it tile under the flash area is a besieger tile.
So in terms of end-of-game scoring.
Black gets 6 - 3 for the city and 3 for the besiegers.
Red is in a different farm and the siege is set up on the other side of the city.
I'm pretty sure Red scores 9 - 3 for city and 3 for besieger and 3 for the other small city.
But since the siege is on the opposite side is it only 6 points - 3 for each city?
So the question really is - do farmers score 6 points for every farm that has a besieged city.
Or does the "siege" need to be in your farm area to get the 6 points.
I looked at CAR and the answer is probably there, but I couldn't find it.
Thanks in advance for your combined wisdom.