I'm looking for the earliest version of the game I can find. Namely, the original German version with the other scoreboard (the twisty cobblestone road looking one seen on the back of the box). Does this scoreboard even exist outside of prototype form? I thought I read somewhere that it goes from 0 to 70, as opposed to 0 to 50 like every other. Any info I can get on the would be great, so I can either search harder or stop if it doesn't exist.
Shouldn't those farmer meeples be lying on their sides? At the very least this deserves a footnote in the CAR
I never was satisfied with Matt Harper's summary of differences between first, second, and third edition scoring. He never really differentiated between first and second. Was the laying flat of a Farmer one of the second edition changes?
Started by JoeSesquipedalian
Started by Frans0
Started by ozgurceylan
Started by Willem
Started by Halfling