General / Re: What's up with the River in Big Box 5?
« on: December 22, 2023, 09:30:33 AM »
very good List, thanks 
* My answers are refering only to C1
** My descriptions are from the official german rule-sheets from HiG and from the rule-sheets and descriptions in german spielbox magazine.
*** CundCo tilelist is fanmade, it doesn´t count as valid source, in my opinion.
And now here the final boss:
Games quarterly expansion, games quarterly no.16, Games quarterly expansion no. 16, the mini expansion,
Carcassonne GQ Promo Tiles....and so on
I gave up on this...
Maybe we should just admit that there is no real name for it
..... or maybe >12 New Carcassonne Game Tiles Inside> is the one and only true name

The River (BB5) dilema is not unique:
true wordsyeah, thats
- Crop Circles II is Crop Circles, and Crop Circles is Crop Circles I!
The Spielbox version was called in english Halflings and in german Halblinge;
- Do Halflings I and Halflings II exist, or there is only Halflings? Or Halflings Spielbox and Halflings HiG?
The HiG name for his own shop edition and also for the Spielbox version was Halb so Wild.........strangeThe only true names are the russian ones, so none of them mentioned here - there doesnt exist any official translation from neither from Hobbyworld or from HiG
- Russian Promos I, Russian Promos II, The Choice of Bogatyr and Baba Yaga’s Hut, Hero at the Crossroads and Baba Yaga, Solovei Razboynik and Vodyanoy... ?
All three: Die Katharer, Die Belagerer & The siege
- Cathars / Siege / The Besiegers or just The Besiegers?
hmm, both version are originally only windroses... I and II are fan descriptions
- Wind Roses II?!
Klöster in Deutschland, De Kloosters (localized 999 Games edition), Dutch Monasteries & Japanese buildings
- Monasteries in Germany, Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium, Japanese buildings or just Special Monasteries? Also, Dutch Monasteries, Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium I, Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium 999 Games, Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium II, Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium HiG, Temples in Japan...
The first given official german name by Nostheide@Spielbox was "Die Labyrinthe von Carcassonne!"
- The Labyrinth or The Labyrinths?
I dont know why HiG caled it later in the extended rules the Labyrinth (Das Labyrinth)Agree
- And there is only one The Festival, nobody cares about the number featured on the tile, be it 10, 15...
* My answers are refering only to C1
** My descriptions are from the official german rule-sheets from HiG and from the rule-sheets and descriptions in german spielbox magazine.
*** CundCo tilelist is fanmade, it doesn´t count as valid source, in my opinion.
And now here the final boss:

Carcassonne GQ Promo Tiles....and so on
I gave up on this...

Maybe we should just admit that there is no real name for it

..... or maybe >12 New Carcassonne Game Tiles Inside> is the one and only true name