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Messages - Farmcassonne

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Expansions for Over Hill and Dale
« on: February 10, 2024, 02:15:02 PM »
Thank you for all the info wolnic and Chmura! I had no idea how many cool expansions people have made all over the world for this spin-off. What's the best way for me to be able to play with the fan expansions? Are there download links for printable expansion tiles? Or can I buy the printed tiles and tokens from somewhere, like Etsy?

General / Re: Expansions for Over Hill and Dale
« on: February 10, 2024, 12:26:49 PM »
Hi Chmura! I couldn't find any fan expansions for Over Hill and Dale on this site or by searching in English on Google, but I found your posts on the Czech forum! Hopefully I'll be able to navigate the site using Google Translate haha. I'm so excited to check out all of the cool content people have made there.
Thank you so much!!

General / Expansions for Over Hill and Dale
« on: February 09, 2024, 04:54:10 PM »
Hi! I've been playing Over Hill and Dale for a while and I was wondering if there were any official expansions or fan-made expansions that are compatible with the OHaD tiles. I love this version of Carcassonne and I'm looking to add some variety to it.

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