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Topics - jma03

Pages: [1]
News and Events / Spanish national championship carcassonne
« on: July 09, 2016, 07:20:05 AM »
After 7 hours of bus came to Madrid to play the national championship.
I hope to have a good experience and have the opportunity to play my first time live .
I have commanded a detailed report and some photos .

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Masters Cup
« on: May 09, 2016, 11:29:14 AM »
I have a few days thinking about an idea, and now that the league is over I would like to share with you.

I know there are several open competitions and the difficulty of playing.

I had thought about the possibility of playing a tournament with unseeded after all the competitions held during the year ( leagues, world cup ... ) A " Masters Cup ".You could use Elo ratings ( JERE ) The achievements of the Order of Meeple or positions achieved in each competition to determine 8 (or any number of players) best players play the tournament.

I thought  8 players because only take us 7 games
(4 for the quarterfinals , 2 for the semifinal and one for the final).

What do you think guys?
Have you got any suggestions?

News and Events / Carcassonne Championship qualifier Spain
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:40:51 AM »
Seeing the post -Jere ( National Championships Netherlands) has emerged me the interest to participate in a tournament.
 I have never played a live tournament , I searched information to play the national championship of Spain .

Currently there are qualifiers for national and i live near to where they celebrated.

My wife and i have pointed us to try this experience .

Of course I send pictures and information very soon.

General / Tournament information carcassonne
« on: June 08, 2015, 08:08:27 AM »
Hello everyone .
I'm interested in receiving information where you can play a tournament of Carcassonne .
either well , a qualifier or tournament open registry .
step I take to visit another country and spend a few days holiday
Thank you.

Other Games / What was your first board game???
« on: April 06, 2015, 04:50:20 PM »
this is the first time I propose a thread¡¡¡ ;D
this thread made ​​me think of my childhood when I started playing with a friends , chess.
subsequently wanted to take one more step and learn in a chess school , that already happened 17 years .
currently I spend a great time playing carcassonne , although I do not discard try another .

playing with my girlfriend started a game in jcloisterZone against each other .then mistakenly played a tile at the turn of the other .
my question is : can reverse the piece placed in that case ??
thx  :meeple:

Official Rules / expansión hills and sheep
« on: February 28, 2015, 03:28:54 AM »
hola,perdonad por  no escribir en ingles pq se me es complicado.

somos dos parejas  que jugamos a menudo al carcassonne y recientemente hemos adquirido  la  expansion de colinas y ovejas.

tenemos  dudas acerca de esta expansion(las losetas de colinas)(los viñedos y pastores nos queda claro)

-cuando colocas una loseta de colina las intruciones dice que en caso de empate,puntuara aquel q haya colocado la loseta.Ahora bien:

cuando colocas una loseta de colina puedes poner un meeple (en ciudad,camino o terreno)habiendo ya otro seguidor oponente??????

que pasa con la loseta que se le da la vuelta???se queda boca abajo toda la partida????

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